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Ensure that you hand-carry copies of:

1. Your vehicle title

2. Your vehicle registration

Also your actual U.S. driver's license and any other pertinent information about your vehicle.

This will help expedite the registration of your vehicle here in El Salvador, before the vehicle arrives.

Please refer to the following " Shipping Instructions” for guidance regarding documents required  to ship your vehicle

as well as important instructions on how to fill out the second enclosure, the “ Vehicle Importation Form.”

            *** Your vehicle will not be shipped without completion of these forms!!! ***

El Salvador currently requires U.S. style emissions control on vehicles but have only just begun to implement and enforce the law. We strongly urge you to only bring vehicles that meets U.S. emissions standards (i.e. fitted with catalytic converters or other emissions control devices, etc.) in order to avoid any possible complications.

Salvadoran law requires you to purchase 3rd party liability insurance (at a minimum) here. The insurance is offered by the American Employees Association of El Salvador (AEAES), available through the U.S. Embassy Commissary, and depending on the type of vehicle you bring will run between $160 and $175 per year (paid in full once a year).