DON to Virtualize Servers and Server Based Systems/Applications

Published, July 31, 2013

On July 29, 2013, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released the memo, "Server, System, and Application Virtualization," which stipulates that the DON must virtualize all current servers and server-based systems/applications. The process of virtualization will allow multiple operating systems and applications to be run on a single physical server, thus reducing operational costs and improving flexibility within the existing information technology infrastructure. Virtualization is one of the multiple efficiency efforts that the DON must pursue to achieve cost reductions.

Plans for virtualization are requested from DON Deputy CIO (Navy), DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps), and DON Assistant for Administration (DON/AA) within 120 days of release of this memo. Plans must include the following:

  • Conversion of a minimum of 15 percent of each Budget Submitting Office’s computing environment per year until 100 percent virtualization is achieved.
  • Enterprise virtualization platform standards established by the Navy and Marine Corps Technical Authorities.
  • Compliance with published Technical Authority standards.
  • A process to provide quarterly progress reports to the DON CIO.
  • A process to ensure that all future systems and applications are developed to deploy and operate in a virtualized environment.
All new servers and server-based systems/applications not already approved for deployment as of the date of this memo must be developed to operate in virtualized environments.

Owners of systems/applications who deem their systems/applications incapable of virtualization must submit waiver requests endorsed by DON Deputy CIO (Navy), DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps), or DON/AA for DON CIO approval by Sept. 30, 2014. No permanent waivers will be granted; waivers will be good for one year and reconsidered during subsequent annual reviews.

Read the full memo.

TAGS: DCC, Efficiencies

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