U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Little Rock District
                               Pertinent Data File
                  for the 2016 Low Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Season

  13 Apr - USGS provided a profile of Beaver Lake measured for the
    Beaver Water District.  IDO is 9.22, surface temp is 55.9 F and
    46.6 F at max depth

  04 May - BEA.DO D.O and Temperature gage starts operating.

  05 May - INNOR.DO, INBUL.DO-4, and INBUL.DO-5 D.O. and Temperature 
    gages start operating.

  31 May - All D.O./temp gages are operational.  

  17 Jun - The week ending 17 June, USGS to measure profiles for 
    all 5 lakes.

  10 Jun - Norfork tailwater D.O. has dropped below 6 ppm.  USGS will 
    be there next week to measure lake temp/DO profile and check 
    tailwater gages.  
  13 Jun - Norfork vent covers have been blocked open.  Both
    tailwater gages are tracking in a similar manner.  This should not
    be a calibration issue.  Earliest this has happened was 7 June 2012.
    Beaver DO has dropped to 6 ppm during generation.  USGS will 
    check gage this week and if verified the vents at Beaver will 
    be blocked open.

  13 Jun - Beaver Lake profile indicates warmer temperatures and lower
    DO than last year in June.  

  14 Jun - USGS has checked the Beaver DO gage and made some changes to
    the intake.  Readings appear to have improved.

  13 Jun - Beaver Lake profile taken, I.D.O. = 7.57 vs. 9.03 in 2015
  14 Jun - Greers Ferry profile taken, I.D.O. = 7.74 vs. 9.37 in 2015
  14 Jun - Bull Shoals profile taken, I.D.O. = 8.53 vs. 10.01 in 2015
  15 Jun - Norfork profile taken, I.D.O. = 5.18 vs. 8.06 in 2015
  16 Jun - Greers Ferry profile taken, I.D.O. = 6.67 vs. 9.37 in 2015
    Bvr, TR, & BS are tracking in the middle of historic IDO bands. 
    Nrf is near the historic low for June and GF is in lower third.

  07 Jul - Table Rock D.O. has dropped below 6 ppm during heavy 
    generation.  Vacuum breaker vents have been blocked open.  
    Were blocked open on 06 July 2015.

  09 Jul - BUL.DO gage stopped sending data.

  11 Jul - BUL.DO gage back in business.

  12 Jul - Beaver D.O. has dropped below 6 ppm during heavy 
    generation.  Vent covers have been blocked open.

  15 Jul - BUL.DO gage adjusted by USGS, was reading low.

  11 Jul - Bull Shoals profile taken, I.D.O. = 7.10 vs. 8.82 July 2015
  12 Jul - Table Rock profile taken, I.D.O. = 5.83 vs. 4.73 July 2015
  12 Jul - Beaver profile taken, I.D.O. = 6.49 vs. 6.41 July 2012
  13 Jul - Norfork profile taken, I.D.O. = 3.09 vs. 6.59 July 2015
  14 Jul - Greers Ferry profile taken, I.D.O. = 7.04 vs 6.94 July 2012

  19 Jul - Mo. USGS has serviced Table Rock and School of Ozarks gages.

  20 Jul - BUL.DO gage dips unusually low as generation is ending.  
    Gage will be watched for trend.  Left bank gage does not reflect
    this lower D.O.

  28 Jul - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during full power generation.  The first recommended maximum
    generation rate is 95% of nameplate capacity, 38MW per unit.

  01 Aug - BEA.DO gage exhibits strange dips in D.O. levels during 
    periods of non-generation that were not reflected in the previous 
    lake profile.

  08 Aug - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 95% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 90% of nameplate capacity, 36MW per unit.

  08 Aug - Missouri USGS checked Table Rock D.O./Temp gage and School
    of the Ozarks D.O./Temp gage.  School D.O. gage was adjusted.

  11 Aug - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 90% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 85% of nameplate capacity, 34MW per unit.

  09 Aug - Bull Shoals profile taken, I.D.O. = 5.52 vs. 6.32 Aug 2015
  08 Aug - Table Rock profile taken, I.D.O. = 3.82 vs. 3.33 Aug 2015
  11 Aug - Beaver profile taken, I.D.O. = 5.01 
  09 Aug - Norfork profile taken, I.D.O. = 1.70 vs. 4.92 Aug 2015
  11 Aug - Greers Ferry profile taken, I.D.O. = 6.02

  23 Aug - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 85% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 80% of nameplate capacity, 32MW per unit.

  25 Aug - Bull Shoals D.O. has dropped below 6 ppm during heavy 
    generation.  Vacuum breaker vents have been blocked open.  
    Last year were blocked open on 03 Sept 2015.

  30 Aug - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 80% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 75% of nameplate capacity, 30MW per unit.

  31 Aug - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 75% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 67% of nameplate capacity, 27MW per unit.

  08 Sep - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 67.5% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 65% of nameplate capacity, 26MW per unit.

  08 Sep - Tailwater D.O. below Table Rock Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 200 Mw generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 85% of nameplate capacity, 42MW per unit. 
    without LOX injection.  Inventory this morning was 41 tons.  Use
    for the day was 4.6 tons over 3 hours.

  09 Sep - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 65% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 60% of nameplate capacity, 24MW per unit.

  12 Sep - Greers Ferry vents blocked open.  Table Rock LOX 
    inventory 34.6 tons.

  12 Sep - Greers Ferry profile taken, I.D.O. = 4.98.
  12 Sep - Norfork profile taken, I.D.O. = 0.41 vs. 1.58 Sep 2015.
  13 Sep - Bull Shoals profile taken, I.D.O. = 3.87 vs. 4.64 Sep 2015.
  14 Sep - Table Rock profile taken, I.D.O. = 1.60 vs. 0.99 Sep 2015
  14 Sep - Beaver profile taken, I.D.O. = 4.40.

  20 Sep - Average tailwater D.O. below Norfork Dam has dropped below
    4 ppm during 60% nameplate generation.  The recommended maximum
    generation rate is now 55% of nameplate capacity, 22MW per unit.

  20 Sep - RMG rate at Norfork lowered to 50% nameplate to get out of
    rough zone.

  22 Sep - RMG rate at Table Rock is now 76% nameplate, or 38 Mw per
    unit.  Current LOX inventory is 36.1 tons.

  21 Sep - 4.5 tons LOX injected at Table Rock.

  22 Sep - 8.3 tons LOX injected at Table Rock, inventory 27.1 tons.

  28 Sep - 20.8 tons LOX delivered to Table Rock, total 47.9 tons.

  03 Oct - 1.1 tons LOX injected at Table Rock, inventory 46.8 tons.

  05 Oct - RMG rate at Table Rock is now 70% nameplate, or 35 Mw per
   unit without LOX injection.  21.9 tons LOX injected this day.

  06 Oct - 21.9 tons LOX injected at Table Rock, inventory 24.9 tons.

  04 Oct - Norfork profile taken, I.D.O. = 0.00 vs 0.37 20 Oct 2015
  04 Oct - Greers Ferry profile taken, I.D.O. = 3.93
  05 Oct - Bull Shoals profile taken, I.D.O. = 1.81 vs 2.70 21 Oct 2015
  05 Oct - Beaver profile taken, I.D.O. = 3.56 
  06 Oct - Table Rock profile taken, I.D.O. = 0.81 vs 0.00 22 Oct 2015

  17 Oct - At Table Rock, 1.9 tons LOX injected.  Present inventory 
   22.6 tons.

  17 Oct - USGS checked Table Rock and School of the Ozarks temp and 
   D.O. gages
  18 Oct - RMG rate at Table Rock is 64% nameplate, 32 Mw per unit.

  18 Oct - RMG rate at Bull Shoals is 88% nameplate, 35 MW units
   1-4 and 39 Mw units 5-8.
  18 Oct - SWPA advises that near record tempertures may create a
   need to exceed RMG rate at Bull Shoals.  No problems with 
   generation rates or tailwater D.O.

  18 Oct - Table Rock received 16 tons LOX and injects 4.8 tons.      
   End of day inventory is 33.8 tons.

  19 Oct - Table Rock Lox injection, 9.5 tons used today.

  21 Oct - Table Rock LOX morning inventory 24.3 tons.  There was a 
   delivery of 16.7 tons, inventory is 43 tons.