Quality Assurance and Standards

Ora C. Tabron, Assistant Inspector General


The QAS mission is twofold: (1) to evaluate, investigate, inspect, review, and monitor for conformance with professional standards and OIG policies and procedures; and (2) to assess if work is carried out effectively, efficiently, and economically.

Focus Areas

In May 2014, the Inspector General established the Office of Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS) to improve DoD OIG processes, find efficiencies, standardize DoD OIG reports, and ensure compliance with quality standards. Reporting directly to the Inspector General, QAS will provide the highest level of supervision and ensure that QAS functions without outside influence.

QAS seeks to be a premier quality assurance organization that provides an objective, timely, and comprehensive assessment of OIG operations. QAS will achieve this vision through the coordinated efforts of its two directorates: the Internal Review Directorate (IRD) (formerly OPR, the Office of Professional Responsibility) and the Quality Assurance Directorate (QAD). IRD will continue OPR’s investigative duties and as such will investigate allegations of criminal and administrative misconduct by OIG employees and Military personnel assigned to the OIG.

QAS is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of auditors, analysts, administrators, and special agents.

Policy References

IGDINST 5505.1, "Office of Professional Responsibility," April 30, 2010

IGDINST 5010.40, "Managers' Internal Control Program," January 17, 2014