Office of Freedom of Information

DoD OIG FOIA Requester Service Center

The DoD OIG FOIA Requester Service Center supports all actions related to Freedom of Information requests submitted by the public for access to records under the control of the DoD OIG.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense, each Military Service, the Combatant Commands, and the Defense Agencies operate their own FOIA Requester Service Centers. However, if a requestor does not know which DoD activity can address the requestor's specific area of interest, we can assist in identifying the DoD activity that is in the best position to assist the requester.

Our office hours are 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (Eastern Time). Please select the Contact Us page for contact information.


Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Freedom of Information (OFOI) is to provide access to records created by the DoD OIG. This includes the processing of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) initial requests from the general public, and consultations from other DOD and Executive Branch Agencies and Departments. To fulfill this responsibility, the DoD OIG operates this FOIA Requester Service Center.