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Submit Applications to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
700 West Capitol Ave.
Little Rock, AR  72201-3221

Information & Links



Regulatory Program Overview

White Oak Bayou

The mission of the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program is to protect the nation's aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible, and balanced permit decisions. The Corps evaluates permit applications for essentially all construction activities that occur in the nation's waters, including wetlands. Corps permits are also necessary for any work, including construction and dredging, in the nation’s navigable waters.

The Corps balances the reasonably foreseeable benefits and detriments of proposed projects, and makes permit decisions that recognize the essential values of the nation's aquatic ecosystems to the general public, as well as the property rights of private citizens who want to use their land. During the permit process, the Corps considers the views of other federal, state and local agencies, interest groups, and the general public.

The results of this careful public interest review are fair and equitable decisions that allow reasonable use of private property, infrastructure development, and growth of the economy, while offsetting the authorized impacts to the waters of the U.S. Unavoidable adverse impacts to the aquatic environment are offset by mitigation requirements, which may include restoring, enhancing, creating, and preserving aquatic functions and values. The Corps strives to make its permit decisions in a timely manner.

Regulatory Pledge

Public service is a public trust.  As Corps Regulators, we must earn this trust, and to keep this trust,  we must conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects the following principles:

PROFESSIONALWe will conduct ourselves in a professional manner in dealings with all our customers, including applicants, violators, agencies, interest groups and the general public.

FAIR AND REASONABLE - We will be open-minded, impartial, and consistent in our interactions with all our customers to ensure all actions and decisions are free from bias and are not arbitrary or capricious. Customers will be treated equally and with tolerance.

KNOWLEDGEABLE - We will remain knowledgeable of applicable laws, regulations, and scientific and technical advances which affect our program.

HONESTY - We will be truthful, straightforward, and candid in all dealings with our customers.

TIMELINESS - We will strive to provide our customers with timely regulatory responses regardless of whether those responses are favorable or adverse.

ACCOUNTABILITY - We will be decisive in all actions and accept responsibility for any of our decisions and resulting consequences. All decisions will be factual and properly documented.

RESPECT - We will treat our customers with dignity, courtesy, compassion, and sensitivity.

Customer Service Survey

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District Regulatory Division is committed to improving service to our customers. Customer service is very important to the Regulatory Division staff in the Little Rock District and the Customer Service Survey Form will allow you to provide us with your input. This survey will be an on-going effort of the Division to assist us in continually improving the level of service to all of our customers. Your input is appreciated - favorable or otherwise. Periodic tabulation of the results of this survey will appear at this same site. At the end of the survey, you will be able to submit the completed form electronically if your browser is Internet Explorer or print out the form and mail it to the address below. Please click the following link to access the form:

National Customer Service Survey 

We hope your experience with the staff in the Division was a positive one. Your issues and concerns are important to me so please take a moment to fill out the survey form. 

For further information or to provide additional comments, please email us at:

Or, you can visit or call our offices, located at:

700 W. Capitol (Federal Building)
Room 6323
Little Rock, AR 72201-3221
Office # (501) 324-5295 Fax # (501) 324-6013