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Electronic Permit Guidebook

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Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) Section 214

Section 214 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA 214) of 2000 (Public Law No. 106-541), as amended, allows the Corps of Engineers to accept funds from non-Federal public entities to give priority to the evaluation of their Department of the Army permit applications. H.R. 4165 extended the WRRDA 214 authority until December 31, 2016.

The Seattle District currently has WRRDA 214 agreements for acceptance of funds from the City of Seattle, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma and Pierce County to expedite review of these entities' permit applications. In accordance with Corps of Engineers WRDA 214 guidance, the Seattle District uses funds primarily for staff to expedite permit application review for these non-Federal public entities.

To ensure funds received from a non-Federal public entity will not impact impartial decision making, the Seattle District:

  • Follows all laws, regulations, policies, and procedures as would be required for any non-WRRDA 214 permit application evaluation.
  • Has all final permit decisions reviewed by at least one level above the normal decision-maker, unless the decision-maker is the Seattle District Engineer
  • Posts all final permit decisions for WRDA 214 entities on the Seattle District web page

WRRDA 214 Federal GuidanceImplementation Guidance dated October 1, 2008

WRRDA 214 Agreements with non-Federal Public Entities


Final WRRDA 214 Permit Decisions

For more information on the Seattle District's WRRDA 214 program, please contact the WRRDA Program Manager via email or at 206-764-3262.