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Areas of Practice and Program Oversight

Areas of Practice:

Civil Works: Provides legal opinions on the interpretation of general laws and specific civil works project authorities affecting the district’s civil works construction program. Drafting, reviewing and certifying project documents such as Project Cooperation Agreements, Memorandum of Agreements, Cost Sharing Agreements.

Government Contract and Construction Law: Provides advice on the selection of the proper procurement contract. Define contract's requirements for legal sufficiency. Manages and processes bid protest before administrative tribunals. Using preventative law techniques assists the contracting officer and project engineers in executing contract administration on construction projects. Provides trial attorney services on contract claim cases before the boards of contract appeals or federal courts.

Environmental Law and Regulatory Affairs: Provides legal guidance and assistance to district project managers on the impact of environmental statutes and regulations on civil works and regulatory functions programs. Provides guidance on the issuance of Department of the Army permits issued under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.

Civil Environmental Enforcement: Prosecutes through civil action violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act as administered under the Corps' Regulatory Program.

Torts and Admiralty: Process and investigates non-contractual claims file against the Corps under the Federal Tort Claims Act. Prosecutes affirmative claims for the recovery of damages to the district’s land and maritime based operating facilities and removal of navigational obstructions.

Labor and Employment Law: Provides advice and counsel to district supervisors on interpretations of personnel administration, equal employment opportunity and labor relations. Provides agency trial attorney services in employment and labor relations appeals before administrative tribunals and assist the Department of Justice in EEO litigation before federal courts.

Fiscal Law: Provides legal advice on congressional project appropriations and execution of project funds.

Ethics Law: Renders advice and provides training to government employees, managers, contracting officers and the district engineer on the requirements of laws involving conflicts of interest, gratuities and employment restrictions.

Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste: Provides advise and assistance on project management strategies for resolving HTRW issues that arise on Corps construction projects by developing a process structure which facilitates issue resolution and project execution.

Emergency Operations Law: Provides legal advice and team personnel for Disaster Recovery Operations Program.

Program Oversight

Contractor Industrial Labor Relations Program: Headed by a contractor industrial labor relations specialist, the program, administered with assistance from contracting and engineering and construction divisions, ensures that all required labor laws, labor standards provisions and wage determinations are included in all contracts. Determines contractor compliance with all federal labor laws and regulations as they apply to Corps contracts and investigates complaints by contract workers of labor law violations.

Navigable Waterway Violations Program: Managed by the district claims officer, this program, operated in conjunction with the district’s Operations Division, is responsible for the district’s navigational law enforcement efforts. The program enforces those provisions of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act that makes it illegal to use without permission or cause damage to harbor or river improvements or to obstruct passage in navigable waterways by marine vessels or other objects. Notices of Violations are issued to violators who are required to either make restitution or repairs and in the case of an obstruction, effect its removal.

Freedom of Information Act Program (FOIA): Managed by the FOIA officer, this program is responsible for processing FOIA requests for the district and renders initial releasability determinations.