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Regulatory Permit Program

Protecting Endangered Species

The Corps, in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is committed to ensure protection for federally listed species and critical habitats, as required under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
This page is intended as a clearinghouse for information on Endangered Species as it applies to the Corps Wilmington District permit program.

What is a Section 7 Consultation?

Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act directs all federal agencies to use their existing authorities to conserve threatened and endangered species and, in consultation with the Service, to ensure that their actions do not jeopardize listed species or destroy or adversely modify critical habitat.
The Corps has taken special steps to ensure Section 7 compliance with all facets of our permit program.

How Do I Know Whether My Proposed Activity in Waters or Wetlands May Impact Endangered Species or Critical Habitat?

Although the Corps routinely checks all applications for nationwide and general permits for proximity to known occurrences of endangered species, designated critical habitat and potential habitat suitable for protected species, using best available data sets, the Corps also relies on self-reporting by applicants to ensure Section 7 compliance, for authorization under the nationwide or general permit program. There are a number of online resources, some of which are linked to the right column of the page, which applicants should use in making these checks.

Please note, however, that information, maps and data are provided for planning purposes for our stakeholders. The information on this site is not meant to replace any existing guidelines, rules, regulations or legal procedures. Field investigations are still necessary for locating protected species, and contact with appropriate FWS or NMFS staff is still recommended if there is a likelihood of encountering federally protected species or habitats.) 

Please also check with the Corps regulatory project manager for the county in which the permitting activity is proposed.

Questions can also be directed to the Services:

Contact information at US FWS: (exit Corps Wilmington District web site)

Asheville Ecological Services Field Office 

Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office 

Sandhills Ecological Services Sub-Office

Corps of Engineers Permits and ESA

Nationwide Permits

General Condition 18 of the 2012 Nationwide Permits explains the requirements of the ESA with respect to the Nationwide Permits (NWPs). The District Regional Conditions provide further protection for the aquatic resources in NC to ensure Section 7 compliance. Applicants must ensure that the ESA screening is reported on the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) form. Contact the Corps project manager for the county in which the activity is proposed for any questions or assistance needed.

Regional Permits

The District General Permit program will not authorize any activity which will adversely affect any threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, or their critical habitat.

Individual Permits

All standard (individual) permits will undergo a full agency review under Section 7 of the ESA.

Geospatial (GIS) Data

(shapefile format in zip archive, data courtesy US FWS)

Download directions - use system downloader or right click and "save target as" and save archive to saved destination.

Watersheds with Federally Listed Aquatic Species
Designated Critical Habitat: Elktoe Mussel 

Designated Critical Habitat: Carolina Heelsplitter Mussel 

Designated Critical Habitat: Cape Fear Shiner 

Designated Critical Habitat: Waccamaw Silverside 

Designated Critical Habitat: Spotfin Chub

ESA News

May 3, 2016 - The US FWS in NC (Raleigh and Asheville Field Offices) posted information about the Northern Long-eared Bat in NC. The Northern Long Eared Bat was listed in 2015 under the Endangered Species Act as Threatened.  The Service is conducting surveys to identify the presence of the species and their seasonal habitats in NC. On April 26, 2016, the Service determined that it was not prudent at this time to determine critical habitat for the Northern Long-eared Bat.  Survey activities are underway to study this species to best determine strategies for improved survival.

Links to the USFWS:  The Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) - what it means for your project in Western NC.

Links to the USFWS:  The Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) - what it means for your project in Eastern NC.

2016 Survey Activities in Eastern NC

Online Resources

IPAC System:  USFWS Interactive Planning Tool, the Information, Planning, and Consultation System. An interactive project planning tool that helps provide a quick site proximity screening to assist before you have designed your project.

County List Map: USFWS online map with Endangered and Threatened Species and Species of Concern by County for North Carolina. 

NC Stories - ESA in Action:  USFWS interpretative web page on stories of how the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has helped protect threatened and endangered plants, animals and habitat in the state.


Documents & Maps

ESA Basics

USFWS 2013 40 Year Anniversary Fact Sheet about the Endangered Species Act

Other FWS Resources:   

Optimal Field Survey Timeframe for Protected Plants

Manatee Precautionary Guidelines - Factsheet for work in waters in NC

NC Protected Marine Species: NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Region, Protected Resources Division fact sheet about protected marine Threatened and Endangered Species and critical habitats of North Carolina.

In-house Presentations:   

Newly Designated Critical Habitat in NC Waters for Loggerhead Turtle  (2014)

Atlantic Sturgeon in NC Waters  (2013)


NC Watersheds with Federally Listed Aquatic Species  (2007, in PDF format 8.5"x14" color, 1.3MB)

Designated Critical Habitat: Elktoe Mussel  (2007, in PDF format 8.5"x14" color, 1.0MB)

Designated Critical Habitat: Carolina Heelsplitter Mussel  (2007, in PDF format 8.5" x 11" color, 336KB)

Designated Critical Habitat: Cape Fear Shiner  (2007, in PDF format 8.5" x 11" color, 323KB)

Designated Critical Habitat Waccamaw Silverside  (2007, in PDF format 8.5" x 11" color, 49.6KB)

Designated Critical Habitat Spotfin Chub  (2007, in PDF format 8.5" x 11" color, 586KB)

NC Natural Heritage Areas of State and Federal Significance  (2007, in PDF format 11" x 17" color, 1.8MB)