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Mission Statement of the Sacramento District

"We provide innovative and enduring engineering solutions across the full spectrum of program/project delivery to provide value and quality, on-schedule, to our military/civilian customers and partners and we support our federal/state partners by responding to national emergencies with leadership and technical expertise."

Who We Are

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is made up of approximately 37,000 civilian and 650 military men and women. Our military and civilian engineers, scientists and other specialists work hand in hand as leaders in engineering and environmental matters. Our diverse workforce of biologists, engineers, geologists, hydrologists, natural resource managers and other professionals meets the demands of changing times and requirements as a vital part of America's Army.

The Sacramento District was formed in October 1929, before that it was part of the San Francisco District, formed in 1866. Its boundaries included the rivers and waterways within areas drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers above their confluence at the head of Suisun Bay. It was entirely within the State of California, from the Sierra Nevada on the east and Oregon border on the north to the Tehachapi Mountains on the south.

Military construction responsibilities were added to the district in 1941 and again in 1943, the civil boundaries were expanded to include the area of the former Salt Lake City District. In 1968, the Sacramento District became the second largest in the contiguous United States when territory was transferred from the Los Angeles District. Added were all of Utah, except the southwest corner, Colorado from the Continental Divide west, the southwest corner of Wyoming, northeast corner of Arizona and the northwest corner of New Mexico for a total of 290,000 square miles.  

Approximately 1,000 military and civilian employees work in the Sacramento District today. It is one of the largest districts in the Corps, covering all or part of eight western states. 

Freedom of Information (FOIA)

How to submit a Freedom of Information Request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District:

In light of increased Homeland Security measures and the need for additional security to our communities, Sacramento District is asking the public and all public entities, including state and local governments, to submit requests for technical information in writing. Please submit your request to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District
Freedom of Information Act Officer
1325 J Street, Room 1440
Sacramento, CA 95814


 More information regarding FOIA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

District Leadership

image - Col David Ray

Col. David Ray
District Commander
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Sacramento District

 Official Bio


Lt. Col. Jeffrey Palazzini
Deputy District Commander
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Sacramento District

 Official Bio


 image -- Tambour Eller

Ms. Tambour Eller
Deputy District Engineer for
Project Management
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Sacramento District

 Official Bio



District History

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The first "District office,'' established in the City of Sacramento, comprised a few hundred square feet in the Clunie Hotel located at 8th and K Streets. That was more than half a century ago. This small sub-office of the San Francisco District was home to the survey parties, snag boat crews and other "River Rats" who made the early attempts to improve navigation on the Sacramento River.

After utilizing space in the Clunie Hotel for about a decade, the "District Office'' was moved across the street to the Nicolaus Building around 1924. By this time Owen Stanley had made many contributions to navigation and flood control in the Central Valley, and Henry Rich was celebrating his 14th year with the Corps of Engineers.



The relatively few offices housed in the Fruit Building served as headquarters from 1929 through the first half of the Great Depression. The larger staff needed to prepare the flood control studies, plan the debris dams and complete the expanded work load of the Depression years, required additional working space. So, in 1935, the District Office was moved to the Old Post Office building at 9th and I Streets. During the latter part of the thirties, the District continued to grow, primarily because of the added work force needed to complete the famous "308" studies.

The responsibilities of war-time construction meant yet another move for District personnel. New office space was secured in the Wright Building in December, 1941. The Sacramento District was headquartered there until its most recent move, in 1961, to the Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse located at 650 Capitol Mall. In addition to those buildings that have been "home" to the District Office, many other buildings have accommodated various divisions and branches of the main office. The Sacramento Signal Depot, the McClatchy Building, the Brinley Building, the Scampini Building, Bryte Yard and various other sites throughout the Sacramento area have been utilized to house elements of the District.



Many seasoned veterans recall the days when small groups of men would go down the back stairs of the Wright Building, through the back door of "Frank Fat's," past the pots and pans in the kitchen, and settle down over a "mild libation" to hammer out, informally, that which didn't lend itself to polite discussion.

Not only the times and places, but the men and women directing the District in years past, have set the mood, established the climate and defined the procedures of a given era. Prior to the official establishment of the District in 1929, men like Owen Stanley, and Division Engineers in San Francisco such as Jackson and Grant set the pace and directed the activities of the Corps of Engineers in the Central Valley. Since that time however, the Sacramento District has been directed by a wide variety of competent, local personalities: Henry Rich, a diamond in the rough, could always be counted upon when the going got tough; Henderson McGee, known as the professor, who somehow managed, in a calm and quiet way, to bring order to a chaotic situation; Amalio Gomez, O. Haven Hart and Frank Kochis, professional engineers who could cut through the bureaucratic clutter and got the job done.



During the war years, Colonel R.C. Hunter was known as a man who could accomplish any mission, "no matter what". On the other hand he is remembered as being an extremely fair man, well liked by the civilian employees. Colonel Lester F. Rhodes is remembered as being an excellent bridge player. He was followed by Colonel Joseph Gorlinski, often called the "Count" because of his truly aristocractic manners. Colonel Alvin D. Wilder, it may be recalled, was a natural poet and song writer, who gave the District the beautiful ballad entitled "Frankie, Frankie Kochis, King of the Two Top Floors". (Sung to the tune of Davy Crockett.)

Many District employees remembered Colonel Robert Mathe as being a loud singer and a terrible guitar player, with the ability to make friends easily. Colonel Crawford Young is said to have been a born fighter, a good man to have on your team. It was felt that he acquired his excellent characteristics while playing football at West Point. He was a blocking back, which allowed his teammates to score. He is also remembered as a pretty fair golfer.

The Sacramento District has been extremely fortunate in having been served by exemplary leaderships, both military and civilian. But it must be remembered that the District functions and accomplishes its missions through cooperation and teamwork. The excellent reputation gained and held by the Sacramento District is the result of many people in small elements of the organizational structure who put their total effort into their work. It is a team enterprise from start to finish.

EEO Mission

  • EEO Mission Statement:
    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District provides equal opportunity in employment for all persons; prohibits discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, genetic information or disability and promotes the realization of equal opportunity through a proactive and continuing affirmative employment program.

         Further information on the Equal Employment Opportunity Office in Sacramento District