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A park ranger speaks to children during an interpretive program at a USACE recreation center.

Recreation Facilities - Park Rangers

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The New England District manages 31 flood control dams, Cape Cod Canal and three Hurricane Barriers. NAE operates and maintains 87 Recreation Areas, 15 public swimming beaches, three water supply reservoirs, 2 public campgrounds and two regional visitor centers. The 138 project personnel include Natural Resource managers, civil engineers, foresters, biologists and recreation specialists. Many of the Natural Resource Management personnel serve on national community of practice boards and leadership advisory teams.

The North Atlantic Division RCX was established to ensure that leadership will act regionally and develop mission oriented corporate relationships. RCX team members are dedicated to enhancing regional capabilities and building corporate relationships across districts and business lines. The RCX mirrors national centers of expertise in their goals and objectives, including business processes. The RCX improves capabilities and management, eliminates redundancy, and optimizes the use of specialized expertise and resources. The RCX is team of individuals who have demonstrated regional expertise in specialized areas. Team members were chosen for their ability to enhance regional consistency, facilitate technology transfer, maintain institutional knowledge in key areas and improve service to our customers.

  • Park Ranger Training
  • Water and Public Safety
  • Environmental Compliance Audits
  • New England District Sign Shop
  • In-Kind Services Development
  • Partnering/Cost Sharing
  • Critical Backlog Maintenance
  • Recreation & Stewardship Budgeting
  • Visitor Assistance Program
  • Peer Review for Civil Works
  • Coordination with Federal Partners
  • Hydro Power and FERC Licensing
  • GIS and GPS Mapping
  • Interpretive Services Outreach Program
  • Corps Ranger Color Guard
  • Web Page Development
  • Special Events & Intrepretive Displays
  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Motorboat Operator Training
  • Masterplans and OMP Development
  • National Recreation Reservation System
  • OMBIL Training and Support
  • Endangered Species/Fish Bypass
  • HTRW Training and Remediation

Environmental Compliance: The purpose of the Environmental Compliance Program is to assure that Corps facilities meet environmental standards, support and promote pollution prevention while continually improving the stewardship of natural and cultural resources. NAD employs a cadre Environmental Compliance Coordinators who provide direction and support for the flood risk management, navigation, recreation, environmental stewardship and
water supply missions.

Stewardship - NAD manages Natural Resources, wetlands, forests and lakes on over 100,000 acres of land in 13 states. Stewardship responsibilities include conservation of rare and endangered species, protection of wetlands, multiple use of projects lands and forests, wildlife management and land use planning.

Water Safety - The goal of the Water Safety program is to increase water safety programs and Park Ranger patrols at recreation areas and public swim beaches. Water Safety is promoted through the use of Special Events, Interpretive Services Outreach and Visitor Assistance training.

Park Rangers - The RCX-PARKS goal is to develop, train and promote a capable workforce of Park Rangers to manage completed projects. NAD employs and trains over 150 Park Rangers and Managers including biologists, foresters, civil engineers, landscape architects, natural resource managers and outdoor recreation planner§i. Professional skills are enhanced through the use of ranger conferences, peer review, membership in professional organization and participation on national leadership teams, committees and user goups.

  • Ranger Training and Development
  • Development of project Masterplans
  • Interpretive Services Outreach
  • FERC Licensing and Hydropower Review
  • Water Safety and Motorboat Operator Training
  • Corps of Engineers Color Guard
  • Coordination with Federal Partners
  • New England District Sign Shop
  • Partnering, Cooperating Association, and Volunteer program development