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Engineering Specifications

This page contains links to engineering documents and files that Architects/Engineer (A/E) firms will use in developing plans and specifications and/ or Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for the Tulsa District.

The READ ME FIRST document contains more details concerning the documents located below.


1. READ ME FIRST (.pdf)

2. Tulsa District Division 01 Specifications (.zip) 

3. Tulsa District Division 01 Attachments (.zip)

4. Supplement to the A/E's Scope of Work- Deliverables (.pdf)

5. Southwestern Division Architectural Engineering Instruction Manual (.pdf)


Tulsa District CAD Standards Review Checklist

Tulsa District CAD Standards for AEC R4.0

Tulsa District CAD Standards for AEC R5.0

Tulsa District CAD Standards for AEC R6.0

Tulsa District Standard AutoCad Covers and Borders  (zip)

Tulsa District Microstation Covers and Borders  (zip)

Related Websites

SpecsIntact- Automated system for preparing standardized construction specifications, is available at http://specsintact.ksc.nasa.gov.  SpecsIntact is also available through the Whole Building Design Guide website shown below.

Whole Building Design Guide- Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS), Regulations, Standards, and other engineering documents and criteria.