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Army Regulations - Supplements

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Info
AR 380-150 CEPM-S, DAEN-PMS Access to and Dissemination of Restricted Data (USACE Suppl 1) 12/31/1984 Issue of further supplement to this regulation is prohibited except upon approval Of CDF USACE (DAEN-PMS), Washington, DC 20314-1000
AR 380-150, 15 August 1982, is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 600-85 CEHR-L Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program (OCE Suppl 1) CH 1 5/1/1978 Local supplementation of this regulation is required. One copy of each supplement will be sent to HQDA (DAEN-CPL) and (DAEN-ASP-R) WASH DC 20314; DISTENGR. AR 600-85, 1 May 1976, is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 690-200 30 Nov 01, (errata #1) CECC-ZA Civilian Attorneys Under the Qualifying Authority of the Chief Counsel, USACE (OCE Suppl 1) 7/13/2001 Issue of further supplements to this regulation is prohibited except upon approval of CDR USACE (CECC-ZA), Washington, DC 203 14AR 690-200, Chapter 213 is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures. Page D-11, line 2 -- Correct reference to subparagraph b -- reference should be to subparagraph c. The line should read as follows: furnish to the rater based upon  the mandatory criteria set forth in subparagraph c below and should also
AR 15-1 CERM-M Committee Management (USACE Suppl 1) 4/1/1996 Details policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures required to implement AR 15-1.
AR 380-5 CEPM-S Department of the Army Information Security Program Regulation (USACE Suppl 1) 9/30/1983 Details policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures required to implement AR 380-5.
AR 640-3 CECW-ON Identification Cards, Tags, and Badges (OCE Suppl 1) 4/15/1981 Issue of further supplements to this regulation by Commanders, FOA is prohibited except upon approval of DAEN-CWO-N or DAEN-CWO-R. If supplements are issued, DIVENGR and CDR, separate FOA will furnish one copy of each to HQDA (DAEN-CWO-N, DAEN-CWO-R and DAEN-ASP-R) WASH DC 20314; DISTENGR will furnish required copies to the appropriate DIVENGR.  AR 640-3, 15 May 1980, is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 672-20 CEHR-L Incentive Awards (USACE Suppl 1) 7/31/1986 Local limited supplementation of this regulation is permitted but is not required. if supplements are issued, Commanders, Divisions & separate Field Operating Activities (FOA) will furnish one copy of each to CDR USACE (DAENPEC-L and DAEN-ASP-R) WASH DC 20314-1000. District Commanders will furnish copies to appropriate Division Commanders.
AR 672-20, 1 June 1982 and all subsequent changes are supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 335-15 CEIM-IR Management Information Control System (USACE Suppl 1) 1/29/1990 Issue of further supplements to this regulation by Commander FOA is permitted but not required. If supplements are issued, DIVCDR and CDR, separate FOA will furnish one copy of each to CDR, USACE (CEIM-PD), WASH, DC 20314-1000; DISTCDR will furnish required copies to appropriate DIVCDR. AR 335-15, 28 October 1986, is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 190-29 CECW-ON Misdemeanors and Uniform Violation -Notices Referred to US Magistrate or District Courts (USACE Suppl 1) 8/20/1984 Issue of further supplements to this regulation by Commanders, FOA, is prohibited except upon approval of DAEN-CWO-R. If supplements are issued, Division Commanders and CDR, separate FOA will furnish one copy each to HQDA (DAEN-CWO-R and DAEN-ASP-R) WASH DC 20314; DIST CDR will furnish required copies to the appropriate DIV CDR.  AR 190-29, 1 April 1984, is supplemented as follows  in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 623-105 CEHR-MS Officer Evaluation Reporting System (USAC Suppl 1) 3/1/1994 Local supplementation of this regulation is prohibited without approval of HQ USACE (CEHR-M). If exceptions are granted, commanders of major subordinate commands, district commands, field operating activities, and laboratories will furnish two copies to HQ USACE (CEHR-MS), Washington, DC 20314-1000.
AR 623-105, 31 March 1992 is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 27-60 CERD-L, DAEN-RDL Patents, Invention, and Copyrights (USACE Suppl 1) 7/31/1984 Issuance of further supplements to this regulation is prohibited without prior approval of CDR USACE (DAEN-RDZ-A) WASH DC 20314.                                                                    AR 27-60, 15 May 1974, is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 36-2 CEAO Processing Internal and External Audit Reports and Followup on Findings and Recommendations (USACE Suppl 1) 12/30/1982 Issue of further supplements to this regulation by Commanders FOA is permitted but is not required. If supplements are issued, Division Commanders and Cdr, separate FOA will furnish one copy of each to CDR USACE (DAEN-RMA) and (DAEN-ASP-R) WASH DC 20314; District Commanders will furnish required copies to appropriate Division Commanders.  AR 36-2, 15 May 1982, is supplemented as follows in order to implement administrative procedures.
AR 690-335-1 CEHR-E Promotion and Internal Placement (USACE Suppl 1) 4/1/1987
AR 715-30 CECT-ZA Secure Environment Contracting (USACE Suppl 1) 2/1/2013
AR 70-31 CERD-L, DAEN-RDL Standards for Technical Reporting (USACE Suppl 1) 5/30/1986 Details policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures required to implement AR 70-31, 9 September 1966 and subsequent changes is supplemented.
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