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Environmental Impact Statements



An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is an environmental document required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for actions that significantly affect the quality of the human environment (42 USC §4332). The Corps may be the lead Federal agency or a cooperating agency for compliance with NEPA. The lead Federal agency is generally the agency with the larger federal control over the proposed action. For actions in which the Corps is the lead Federal agency, an EIS would only be required for certain actions that require an individual standard permit.

The decision to prepare an EIS is made based on whether the action would or could result in significant impacts to the human environment. In many cases this decision is made by the Corps after receipt of a complete Department of the Army (DA) permit application. In some cases, the decision to prepare an EIS may not be made until an environmental assessment is completed. All applicants will be informed on a determination that an EIS is necessary as soon as possible during the review period.  


Generally an EIS is prepared by a qualified environmental contractor chosen by the Corps, with the applicant responsible for the cost of preparation. When the Corps determines an EIS is necessary for a proposed action, the applicant will be notified in writing and requested to provide at least three (3) qualified third-party contractors who could prepare the EIS, in order of preference to the Corps. The contractor should have experience with NEPA and the Corps regulatory program. The Corps will choose the first qualified contractor on the list and notify the applicant of the choice. The Corps will work with the applicant and the contractor to prepare a Statement of Responsibilities and Scope of Work for the EIS preparation. As the lead Federal agency, the Corps is responsible for the preparation and content of the EIS to ensure an independent review. Although the applicant incurs the cost of the preparation of the EIS, the contractor is under the sole direction of the Corps, and will have limited interaction with the applicant.

Following selection of the third-party contractor, the Corps will initiate the scoping process by publishing a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS in the Federal Register (FR), and issue public notice. The NOI is intended to solicit from the pubic factors to consider in the EIS. Based on comments received during scoping, the EIS will be prepared by the contractor. When ready, the Draft EIS (DEIS) is released to the public through a Notice of Availability (NOA) published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The Corps will also publish a public notice for the proposed action and the DEIS, which will be sent to all adjacent property owners, interested agencies and the public, and will be posted on our website. The public will be given a specific period in which to comment on the DEIS. Following the close of the comment period of the DEIS, the Final EIS (FEIS) is completed based on comments received. The FEIS is then released to the public through a NOA published in the Federal Register by the USEPA and the Corps will publish a public notice. The public will be given a minimum of thirty days to comment on the FEIS. Following the close of the comment period on the FEIS, if all information has been received to make a permit decision, the Corps will prepare a Record of Decision (ROD) for the action. A public notice will be published following the completion of the ROD.

Environmental Impact Statements Under Preparation

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Corps ID: SPK-2004-00888 

Applicant: Brookfield Sunset, LLC. 

NEPA Lead Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District 

EIS Contractor: Impact Sciences, 555 12th Street, Suite 1650, Oakland, California 94607. Contact: Shabnam Barati 

Description of Proposed Action: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, will prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Corps authorization actions for the proposed Amoruso Ranch project. The applicant is proposing to develop a large-scale, mixed-use, mixed density, master planned community in western Placer County. The proposed project consists of approximately 347 acres designated for residential use that would contain 2,827 dwelling units (in a mix of low, medium and high density), 51 acres for community commercial use, 12 acres for public/quasi-public space containing a fire station and school, 161 acres of parks and natural avoided areas of open space reserve and/or preserve, and 82 acres of associated infrastructure containing roads and other public transportation corridors.  Approximately 17 acres of the adjacent Al Johnson Wildlife Area property would be used to construct a 325-foot long drainage ditch.  No other off-site improvements are included in the proposed project.  A segment of the future Placer Parkway would be constructed by others on 49 acres of the site and is not part of this permit application. The proposed project would involve the discharge of fill material into approximately 18.64 acres of waters of the United States (WOUS), including vernal pools, seasonal wetlands, and an open water pond.  The proposed project may also result in indirect impacts to WOUS, including wetlands. 

Location: The 674-acre site is located in unincorporated western Placer County, south of West Sunset Boulevard, approximately 1.5 miles west of Fiddyment Road, east of Pettigrew Road, and north of Pleasant Grove Creek, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, Pleasant Grove California 7.5-minute USGS quadrangle.  The approximate center of the 674-acre site is Latitude 38.816667°, Longitude -121.384722°.

EIS Milestones 


 Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS

06 MAY 2016

 Hold Scoping Public Meeting


 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS


 Hold DEIS Public Meeting


 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS


 Complete Record of Decision



Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping Public Notice drawings
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: 200700133

Applicant: Lewis Operation Corp.

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Environmental Science Associates (ESA)

Description of Proposed Action: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, will prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Corps authorization actions for the proposed Arboretum project. The applicant-stated purpose of the Arboretum project is to create a walkable community in Rancho Cordova of approximately 5,000 new residential units, including nearly 80 acres of public and private use parks and related facilities; two 10 acre elementary school sites; one 75 acre joint use middle/high school site; and, 465,000 square feet of targeted commercial development; with approximately 449 acres, or nearly 33%, of the proposed project devoted to open space uses including the preservation and enhancement of the Laguna Creek stream corridor and its associated jurisdictional features.

Location: On a 1,349-acre parcel in located in Sections 28, 29, 32, and 33, Township 8 North, Range 7 East, M.D.B&M., in Rancho Cordova, Sacramento County, California
EIS Milestones  Completed
 Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  16 Dec 2008
 Hold Scoping Public Meeting  29 Jan 2009
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  
 Hold DEIS Public Meeting  
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  
 Complete Record of Decision  


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 
Public Notice for Scoping Public Notice drawings
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: SPK-2016-00030 

Applicant: Nevada Irrigation District 

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District 

EIS Contractor: Not yet selected 

Description of Proposed Action: The proposed project, which involves the construction of a new 110,000 acre-foot reservoir on the Bear River, includes the construction of a new 275 foot high dam, the improvement and relocation of roads and pipelines, the construction and installation of a pump station and storage tanks, borrow and staging activities, and the construction of new recreational amenities. 

Location: The project is located on the Bear River, downstream of Rollins Reservoir and upstream of Combie Reservoir, west of the Town of Colfax, Placer County, California 

EIS Milestones Completed 
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS   
Hold Scoping Public Meeting  
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  
Hold DEIS Public Meeting  
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS   
Complete Record of Decision   


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping Public Notice drawings
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Notice of Availabilitye FEIS
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS
Record of Decision

ID Number: SPK-2004-00116

Applicants: Cordova Hills Ownership Group

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: AECOM

Description of Proposed Action:

The applicant proposes to implement a large-scale, mixed-use, mixed-density master planned community with an integrated university, neighborhood and regional commercial and residential uses and associated infrastructure. The applicant proposes approximately: 1,000 acres of residential uses ranging from one dwelling unit per acre to 40 dwelling units per acre; 1,380,000 square feet of retail and commercial uses; 240 acres of private university campus; 635 acres of recreation areas, parks, natural avoided areas and open space corridors; 538 acres of preserve for on-site wetland and habitat avoidance; and 18 miles of off-street/multi-use trails.

The project site is approximately 2,688 acres and contains 89.106 acres of waters of the United States. The proposed project would involve the discharge of fill material into approximately 39.630 acres of waters of the United States, including vernal pools, seasonal wetlands, seeps, intermittent drainages, and stock ponds. The proposed project may also have indirect impacts on other waters of the U.S.

Location: The 2,688-acre site is located in unincorporated eastern Sacramento County, and is bordered on the west by Grant Line Road and on the north by Glory Lane. The proposed project site is north of Kiefer Road and west of the Carson Creek drainage, in portions of Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, Township 8 North, Range 7 East, and Section 18, Township 8 North, Range 8 East, Mount Diablo Meridian.


 EIS Milestones  Completed
 Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  09/01/2011
 Hold Scoping Public Meeting  09/01/2011
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  12/04/2014
 Hold DEIS Public Meeting  12/17/2014
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  03/04/2016
 Complete Record of Decision  

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Draft EIS 

Appendix A - F 
Apenndix G - H
Appendix I 
Appendix J - M 
Appendix N

Public Notice for DEIS  DEIS PN Attachment
Public Notice for FEIS
Notice of Availability FEIS
Final EIS

Final EIS 
FEIS Appendixes 

Record of Decision

Corps ID: SPK-2004-00323

Applicant: Jeff Pemstein, Elverta Specific Plan Owners Group, 11060 White Rock Road, Suite 150-A, Rancho Cordova, CA  95670

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: ESA

Description of Proposed Action:

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, will prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Corps authorization actions for the proposed Elverta Specific Plan project, a proposed master planned community in Sacramento County, CA. The Elverta Owners Group has applied for Department of Army permits to fill approximately 39 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, to construct this project.

The Elverta Specific Plan is primarily residential in character: It includes 880.3 acres of urban residential uses and 551.8 acres of agricultural-residential uses with a total of 6,187 residential
units; 15.0 acres of commercial uses; 4.4 acres of office/professional uses; 20.2 acres of school uses; 73.3 acres of park uses; 18.4 acres (former landfill site) to be designated as open space; and 191.9 acres to be used for drainageways, detention facilities, trails, powerline corridor and major roads.

The project would result in fill of up to 39 acres of waters of the United States, including seasonal wetlands, vernal pools, intermittent channels, swales, and ditches. Some of this fill would be permanent and some would be temporary. Temporary fill would be restored with approximately 15 acres of riparian corridors on the project site. The riparian enhancements are expected to enhance the hydrologic functions and biological quality of existing channels. Offsite mitigation is also proposed to compensate for onsite impacts to wetlands and waters.

Location: Sections 8-10, 15-17, and 20-22, Township 10 North, Range 5 East, MDB&M, Sacramento County, California.

 EIS Milestones  Completed
 Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 9 Jun 2009
 Hold Scoping Public Meeting 24 Jun 2009
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 21 Dec 2012
 Hold DEIS Public Meeting 16 Jan 2013
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  31 Jul 2015
 Complete Record of Decision  


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 
Public Notice for Scoping drawings for PN
Draft EIS Appendices

Appenix A part 1 
Appenix A part 2 
Appendices b thru f
Appendices g thru m

Public Notice for DEIS figures

Final EIS

FEIS Part I 

FEIS Appendicies

Appendix A 
Appendices B - E 
Appendix F1 
Appendix F2 
Appendicies G - J 
Appendix K 
Appendix L - M 
Appendicies N - O

Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: SPK-2016-00457 

Applicant: California Department of Water Resources 

NEPA Lead Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District 

EIS Contractor: GEI Consultants Inc., 2868 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 400, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. Contact: Drew Sutton 

Description of Proposed Action: The proposed Lower Elkhorn Basin Levee Setback Project would include levee setbacks to widen portions of the Yolo and Sacramento Bypasses to increase conveyance capacity and reduce flood risk. The project would be part of a series of proposed flood risk management improvements contemplated under DWR's Central Valley Flood Protection Plan and its related Sacramento Basin-Wide Feasibility Report. The project would include the following elements: (1) Widening the Yolo Bypass by constructing a setback levee east of the Tule Canal in the Lower Elkhorn Basin, (2) widening the Sacramento Bypass by constructing a setback levee north of the existing levee, and (3) implementing improvements in the Lower Elkhorn Basin and Sacramento Bypass to mitigate project impacts. Widening of the Sacramento Bypass, per number (2) of the Proposed Action, is also a recommended feature of the American River Common Features GRR, for which a general reevaluation was completed in 2016, although it is not yet congressionally authorized. The proposed Lower Elkhorn Basin Levee Setback Project is not intended to duplicate this recommended feature, rather it offers DWR a potential alternative means to construct this key feature should the project not be authorized prior to USACE's decision on DWR's request under Section 408. 

Location: The approximately 2,600-acre project site is located within the Lower Elkhorn Basin and is bounded by the Sacramento River on the east, the Tule Canal and Yolo Bypass on the west, the Sacramento Bypass on the south, and Interstate 5 on the north. The site is within Yolo County, California and can be seen on the Grays Bend, Taylor Monument, and Sacramento West USGS Topographic Quadrangles. 


EIS Milestones Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 8 Sep 2016
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 15 Sep 2016
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  
Hold DEIS Public Meeting   
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS   
Complete Record of Decision  


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 
Public Notice for Scoping  Public Notice drawings 
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS
Corps ID: SPK-2002-00561

Applicant: Sacramento County, Department of Economic Development

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Environmental Science Associates (ESA)

Description of Proposed Action: The applicant proposes to develop approximately 1,910 acres and set aside a 1,272-acre Preserve and a 13-acre riparian buffer area. The applicant proposes to fill a total of 40.25 acres of waters of the U.S., including seasonal wetlands, vernal pools and swales, channels and drainage ditches. The overall project purpose is a large scale, mixed use development to promote economic and wetland conservation opportunities within the Mather Specific Plan area. Development would include the following land uses: airport commercial, commercial development, parks and recreation, aggregate extraction, university village/residential, regional sports park and infrastructure, including roadways. The preserved areas would provide protection for wetlands (including vernal pools) and endangered species, including vernal pool fairy shrimp, vernal pool tadpole shrimp, and legenere. The Preserve would also protect federally listed critical habitat.

Location: Description of Proposed Action Location: The Mather Plan Area encompasses approximately 5,716 acres in Sections 10 - 16, 23, 24, Township 8 North, Range 6 East, and Sections 18 and 19, Township 8 North, Range 7 East, MDB&M, in Sacramento County, California.

EIS Milestones: Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 11 Dec 2009
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 6 Jan 2010
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 29 Jun 2012
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 25 Jul 2012
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Supplemental Draft EIS  01 May 2015
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  
Complete Record of Decision  


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping Public Notice drawings
Draft EISDEIS Appendices
Public Notice for DEIS 
Notice of Availabiltiy of SDEIS
Supplemental Draft EIS 
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: 199500412

Applicant: River Islands at Lathrop

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: ICF International

Description of Proposed Action: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, will prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Corps authorization actions for the proposed River Island at Lathrop project. The applicant-stated purpose of the River Island project is to construct a large-scale, mixed-use project consisting of residential development and a commercial complex, which may include open space and recreational amenities in San Joaquin County or the South Delta area. The project is located on approximately 4,900 acres of Stewart Tract an island within the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta. The project would construct 11,000 residential units and 5 million square feet of commercial space. Additionally, the project would construct 675 boat berths 375 in the San Joaquin and Old Rivers, 100 in the proposed Lathrop Landing back-bay and 200 in the proposed Paradise Cut Canal. The project also includes habitat restoration and enhancement areas, set-back and enlarged levees and channel enlargement for flood protection.

Location: the project is located on approximately 4,900-acre of Stewart Tract in an un-surveyed portion of the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta in Townships 1 & 2 South, Range6 East, M.D.B&M., within the City of Lathrop, San Joaquin County, California


EIS Milestones  Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 10 June 2005
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 29 June 2005
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 24 Oct 2014
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 9 Jan 2014
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  
Complete Record of Decision  


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 
Public Notice for Scoping Public Notice drawings
Federal Register Notice for DEIS
Draft EIS

DEIS Vol 1 
DEIS Vol 2 
Appendix D correction

Public Notice for DEIS  PN Figures 1 - 4     PN Figures 5 - 9
Public Notice - extend comment period and Public Meeting date
Final EIS

Corps ID: SPK-2012-00462

Applicant: West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (WSAFCA)

NEPA Lead Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: ICF

Description of Proposed Action:

The applicant is proposing to reduce flood risk in West Sacramento, California, by addressing known levee deficiencies along the Southport reach of levees. WSAFCA is proposing a project along the Sacramento River west levee under the California Department of Water Resources’ Early Implementation Program (EIP) to expeditiously complete flood-risk reduction measures. Known as the Southport Sacramento River EIP, the project proposes implementation of flood-risk reduction measures along a 5.6-mile long reach between the Barge Canal downstream to the South Cross Levee. Improvements to the levee would address through-seepage, under-seepage, and embankment instability (e.g., overly steepened slopes). The project entails approximately 35.7 acres of impacts to the Sacramento River and 1.8 acres of impacts to ditches within the project area. There are no impacts to wetlands. The site is characterized by the Sacramento River, the levee, private agricultural lands and rural residences, two commercial marinas and a residential development at the northern end of the project area. Any such alterations as proposed by WSAFCA are subject to approval by USACE. USACE also has authority under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act over activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill material to waters of the United States. The agencies are preparing a joint document in an effort to reduce duplication between federal and local environmental requirements.

LOCATION: The approximately 2,280-acre site is located on the Sacramento River, in Townships 7 and 8 North, Range 4 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, Latitude 38.5284°, Longitude -121.5291°, Yolo County, California.


EIS Milestones Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  3 Mar 2013
Hold Scoping Public Meeting  28 Mar 2013
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  20 Nov 2013
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 11 Dec 2013
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS
Complete Record of Decision



Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 
Public Notice for Scoping Public Notice Location maps Public Notice Impact Map
Draft EIS 

Appendix A Recreation
Appendix B Scoping Reports part l
Appendix B Scoping Reports part 2
Appendix C Flood Management and Geomorphic Conditions part l
Appendix C Flood Management and Geomorphic Conditions part 2
Appendix D Transportation
Appendix E Air Quality Climate
Appendix F Vegetation/Wildlife
Appendix G Utility Assessment
Appendix H Public Health Hazards
Appendix l National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Programmatic 

Public Notice for DEIS
Final EIS

FEIS - Part I 
FEIS - Part II 
Appendix A Scoping Reports
Appendix A Public Meeting Report Part ll
Appendix B Flood Management and Geomorphic Conditions
Appendix C Transportation
Appendix D Air Quality and Climate Change
Appendix E Vegetation/Wildlife
Appendix F Utility-Assessment
Appendix G Hazards
Appendix H Draft National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
Appendix l CWA permits
Appendix J Section 7
Appendix K Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report 

Public Notice for FEIS

Corps IDs: 200000414, 200600602, 200600603, 200600605 and 200800795

Applicants: The applicant group represented by the Hodgson Company on behalf of Investek Properties LLC, Gerry N. Kamilos LLC, Shalako Investors, Lennar Communities, Grantline 220, and Sierra Holdings LLC.

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: EDAW

Description of Proposed Action: To fill approximately 19.13 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, to construct 5 mixed-use developments. The five developments would consist of approximately 5,136 – 5,634 dwelling units in four residential land use classifications on approximately 1,253 acres. As part of the total dwelling units, approximately 132 to 160 high density residential units could be built within the commercial-mixed use areas. Commercial development is planned for approximately 20 acres. (An update to include additional commercial development is expected.) There are also 5 schools, several parks, a parkway and bike path and wetland preserve planned.

Location: On a 1,253-acre parcel in the Sunrise Douglas Community Plan area in the southeastern portion of the City of Rancho Cordova, CA

 EIS Milestones Completed  
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  13 July 2006
Hold Scoping Public Meeting  26 July 2006
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 5 October 2012 
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 23 October 2012
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS 13 November 2013
Complete Record of Decision  


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Notice of Availability of DEIS
Draft EIS

Chapters 1-2

Chapters 3.0 – 3.11 
Chapters 3.12 – 3.17 
Chapters 4 - 7 
Appendix A: Notice of Preparation/Notice of Intent 
Appendix B: Scoping Report and Comment Letters 
Appendix C: Draft SunCreek Specific Plan 
Appendix D: Master Drainage Study 
Appendix E: Shalako Detention Basin Alternative 
Appendix F: Community Park Detention Basin 
Appendix G: Stand-Alone Detention Basin Alternative 
Appendix H: Regional Water Facilities 
Appendix I: Sanitary Sewer Study 
Appendix J: Dry Utility Plan 
Appendix K: Applicable Rancho Cordova General Plan Policies 
Appendix L: Air Quality Modeling 
Appendix M: Air Quality Mitigation Plan 
Appendix N: Climate Change Modeling 
Appendix O: Native American Heritage Commission Contact Information
Appendix P: Peak & Associates Cultural Resources Report (Confidential) 
Appendix Q: Updated Storm Drain Demands 
Appendix R: Noise Modeling 
Appendix S: Supplemental Traffic Materials 
Appendix T: Updated Sewer Demands 
Appendix U: Master Water Study 
Appendix V: Water Supply Assessment 
Appendix W: Ground Water Demands 
Appendix X: Analysis of Project Consistency with City Policies 
Appendix Y:  Clean Water Act Draft 404(b)(1) Analysis  

Public Notice for DEIS (Drawings/attachment 1)
Final EIS

Final EIR/EIS 
FEIS Appendices

Public Notice for FEIS

Environmental Impact Statements Completed

Collapse All Expand All

Corps ID: SPN-2009-00443

Applicant: Panoche Valley Solar, LLC.

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Environmental Management and Planning Solutions, Inc.

Description of Proposed Action:

The applicant is proposing to construct a 247 MW solar facility on approximately 2,506 acres of the proposed project site. The proposed project would result in the discharge of fill material into 0.121 acres of waters of the U.S. consisting of 0.001 acre of Las Aguilas Creek for a road crossing and 0.12 acre of three unnamed ephemeral drainages for grading, road crossings, and solar panels.

The proposed project would include the construction of the following: grading, solar arrays, perimeter roads, substation, switching station, operations and management building, loop-in tubular steel poles, trenching and foundation installation, perimeter fencing, and construction of a new fence. In addition, the applicant is proposing to construct primary and secondary telecommunication upgrades to interconnect the proposed project, which would not impact any waters of the U.S. Primary telecommunication upgrades include installation of optical ground wire along 17 miles of the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Panoche-Moss Landing 230 kV transmission line, between the new proposed substation and the PG&E Panoche Substation in Fresno County. Where the existing 230 kV lines cross under two existing 500 kV transmission lines, the applicant is proposing all-dielectric self-supporting fiber for approximately 4,650 feet on 12 existing wood distribution poles north of the 230 kV transmission line. The proposed secondary telecommunication upgrades would include establishment of a secondary telecommunication path, consisting of a microwave communication system, to ensure system reliability. The secondary telecommunication upgrades would include constructing a new 100-foot microwave tower at the project site and at PG&E’s Helm Substation in Fresno County and collocating microwave equipment on existing microwave towers on Call Mountain and Panoche Mountain.

The proposed project would also include preservation of 24,176 acres of conservation lands on the proposed project site (2,514 acre Valley Floor Conservation Lands) and on two adjacent off-site locations (10,772 acre Valadeao Ranch Conservation Lands and 10,890 acre Silver Creek Ranch Conservation Lands). In order to compensate for the proposed impacts to waters of the U.S., the applicant is proposing to enhance 12.11 acres of waters of the U.S. through the construction of three ponds containing habitat for California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense), debris removal from ephemeral streams in 9 areas, and the installation of cattle exclusion fencing adjacent to Panoche Creek.

Location: The proposed project site is located approximately 0.75 miles north of Panoche Road, east and west of Little Panoche Road, Latitude 36.63149° North, Longitude 120.86622° West, in San Benito County, California.


EIS Milestones  Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  19 Jul 2012
Hold Scoping Public Meeting  21 and 22 Aug 2012
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft 11 Aug 2015
Hold DEIS Public Meeting  6 and 7 Oct 2015
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  31 Dec 2015
Complete Record of Decision  9 Mar 2016


Notice of Availability DEIS 
Draft EIS
        Volume 1 
        Volume II - Appendix A and B 
        Volume II - Appendix B, Part 2; C & D 
        Volume II - Appendix E and F Part 1 & 2
        Volume II - Appendix F, Parts 3-5 
Public Notice for DEIS
Public Notice for FEIS 
Notice of Availability FEIS
Final EIS
    Volume I
    Volume II Appendix A to E
    Volume II Appendix F to G
    Volume II Appendix H 
    Volume II Appendix I 

Record of Decision

ID Number: SPK-2007-00578

Applicants: Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: EDAW

Description of Proposed Action: The primary purpose of the project is to correct identified deficiencies in the left (east) bank levee of the Feather River and the lower Yuba River left (south) bank and consequently to improve flood protection in the Reclamation District (RD) 784 area of Yuba County. The purposed action consists of following key features for flood damage reduction, habitat restoration, and mitigation: Construction of a new setback levee along the east bank of the Feather River approximately 5.7 miles in length and approximately 0.5 miles east of the existing left bank and tied into the existing Federal levee at the northern and southern ends of the new alignment, installation of about 4.8 miles of slurry cutoff wall, construction of a new Pump Station #3 on the landside of the new levee and decommissioning of the existing pump station, filling of portions of the Plumas Lake Canal, degradation of the existing levee after completion of the new setback levee, creation of up to 525 acres of riparian habitat in a new floodway, implementation of a strategy of no net loss of aquatic resource functions and services, creation of about 20.1 acres of wetlands mitigation adjacent the project site at Messick Lake, restoration and creation of about 6 acres of open water habitat and adjacent riparian corridor, and monitoring mitigation performance and impacts to wetlands for corrective action, if needed.

Location: The project encompasses a portion of the Feather River left bank levee and lands to the east between Feather River Project Levee Mile 17.2 and Project Levee Mile 23.4. The project is located in Townships 13 and 14 North, Ranges 3 and 4 East on the Olivehurst Quadrangle, Yuba County, California.


EIS Milestones: Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 9 Mar 2008
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 10 Mar 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 11 Jul 2008
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 4 Aug 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS 28 Oct 2008
Complete Record of Decision 8 Dec 2008

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Public Notice for FEIS
Notice of Availability FEIS
Final EIS
Record of Decision 


ID Number: SPK-2007-02159

Applicants: Hospitality Consultants, MJM Properties, Folsom White Rock Investors, LLC., FPA Land Development, GenCorp Realty Investments, City of Folsom

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: EDAW

Description of Proposed Action: The proposed project would involve the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into approximately 49.296 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands to construct a large-scale, mixed-use development and associated infrastructure. The proposed project would consist of development of 3,502 acres of land consisting of 7 separate parcels. Overall, the proposed project would involve construction of: approximately 1,483 acres of residential development, 506.7 acres of commercial and employment-generating land uses, 106.9 acres for a regional shopping mall, a police station, a fire station, a municipal services center, five elementary schools, a joint high school/middle school, a water treatment plant, associated on-site infrastructure, an off-site water supply line, highway interchanges and crossover roads, an off-site sewer line extension, and a 1,050 acre open space area, including a preserve.

Location: This project is located in Sections 16 through 20 Township 9 North, Range 8 East, in eastern Sacramento County, California and is bounded by Highway 50 to the north, Prairie City Road to the west, the El Dorado County line to the east and White Rock Road to the south. The project site is within the City of Folsom’s Sphere of Influence.


EIS Milestones:    Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  12 Sep 2008
Hold Scoping Public Meeting  25 Sep 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  9 Jul 2010
Hold DEIS Public Meeting  2 Aug 2010
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  26 May 2011
Complete Record of Decision  12 Aug 2011

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Public Notice for FEIS
Notice of Availability FEIS
Final EIS
Record of Decision

Corps ID: SPK-2007-00211

Applicant: Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA)

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: EDAW

Description of Proposed Action:

The Natomas Levee Improvement Project (NLIP) entails improving the levee system that protects the 53,000-acre Natomas Basin. The project’s purpose is to provide at least 100-year flood protection to segments of the Federal levee system that do not currently meet that standard. Phase 2 of the NLIP project consists of several “landside” components of the larger NLIP targeted for construction in 2008–2010. The project comprises the first phase of the overall Landside Improvements Project and includes improvements to correct levee freeboard deficiencies and seepage potential along the Natomas Cross Canal (NCC) south levee, Sacramento River east levee, and Pleasant Grove Creek Canal (PGCC) west levee. The project also includes related landscape and irrigation/drainage infrastructure improvements in a portion of the Natomas Basin.

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Corps authorization (408 permission and 404 permit) of the project. These authorizations were completed in late January – early February, 2009. The project will result in impacts to approximately 16.56 acres of waters of the United States, including 7.89 acres of wetlands. The project will also result in temporary impacts to 69.55 acres of waters of the U.S. including 59.29 acres of wetlands (primarily rice fields).

SAFCA maintains a web page for the overall NLIP project, with many additional resources available for review, found at:

Location: The project is located in Townships 9, 10, and 11 North, Ranges 3 and 4 East, on the Sacramento West, Taylor Monument, Gray’s Bend, and Verona U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangles. Approximate latitude and longitude coordinates at the north and south ends of the project area are: 39.090676N, -121.584302W and 39.009461N, -121.578301W. The project is located in Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California.

EIS Milestones Completed 
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 31 Jan 2008
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 8 Jan 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  13 Jun 2008
Hold DEIS Public Meeting  16 July 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  24 Nov 2008
Complete Record of Decision  21 Jan 2009

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS:
Public Notice for Scoping
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS - drawings
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: SPK-2008-01039
Applicant: Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA)

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: EDAW

Description of Proposed Action:

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, has prepared an Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Natomas Levee Improvement Project (NLIP) project. The proposed project entails improving the levee system that protects the 53,000-acre Natomas Basin. The project’s purpose is to reduce the risk of flood damage in the Natomas Basin. The proposed Phase 3 of the NLIP project comprises the third phase of the overall Landside Improvements Project, and includes improvements to correct levee freeboard deficiencies and seepage potential along the Pleasant Grove Creek Canal (PGCC) west levee, Sacramento River east levee and Natomas East Main Drainage Canal (NEMDC) west levee, and related landscape and irrigation/drainage infrastructure improvements. The proposed project also provides for the use of several borrow sites in the Natomas Basin.

The proposed NLIP Phase 3 project would result in impacts to approximately 22 acres of waters of the United States, including 7 acres of wetlands. The proposed project would also result in temporary impacts to 2.5 acres of waters of the U. S.

SAFCA maintains a web page for the overall NLIP project, with many additional resources available for review, found at:

Location: The project is located in Townships 9, 10, and 11 North, Ranges 3 and 4 East, on the Sacramento West, Taylor Monument, Gray’s Bend, and Verona U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangles. Approximate latitude and longitude coordinates at the north and south ends of the project area are: 39.090676N, -121.584302W and 39.009461N, -121.578301W. The project is located in Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California.

EIS Milestones  Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 18 Jul 2008
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 6 Aug 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 20 Feb 2009
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 19 Mar 2009
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  27 Aug 2009
Complete Record of Decision  2 Apr 2010

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS:
Public Notice for Scoping
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS - drawings
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: SPK-2009-00480

Applicant: Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA)

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: EDAW

Description of Proposed Action: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed “Phase 4a” of the Natomas Levee Improvement Project (NLIP) project. The NLIP project entails improving the levee system that protects the 53,000-acre Natomas Basin, for the purpose of reducing the risk of flood damage in the Natomas Basin. The proposed Phase 4a project comprises the fourth phase of the overall Landside Improvements Project, and includes improvements to correct levee freeboard deficiencies and seepage potential along the Sacramento River east levee, and related landscape and irrigation/drainage infrastructure improvements in a portion of the Natomas Basin.

The proposed NLIP Phase 4a project would result in impacts to approximately 19.76 acres of waters of the United States, including 3.5 acres of wetlands. The proposed project would also result in temporary impacts to 1.0 acres of waters of the U.S.

SAFCA maintains a web page for the overall NLIP project, with many additional resources available for review, found at:

Location: The NLIP project is located in northern Sacramento County and southern Sutter County. The project area includes the east levee of the Sacramento River between the Natomas Cross Canal (NCC) and the American River, and adjacent lands. The project is located in Townships 9, 10, and 11 North, Ranges 3 and 4 East, on the Sacramento West, Taylor Monument, Gray’s Bend, and Verona U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangles. Approximate latitude and longitude coordinates at the north and south ends of the project area are: 39.091N, -121.584302W and 39.0091N, -121.578301W.

 EIS Milestones Completed 
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 27 Mar 2009 27 Mar 2009
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 13 Apr 2009
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 28 Aug 2009 
Hold DEIS Public Meeting   17 Sep 2009
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS 19 Feb 2010
Complete Record of Decision 8 Nov 2010


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Federal Notice of Draft EIS 
Draft EIS 
Appendix A-Public Outreach Involvement 
Appendix B-Project Description 
Appendix C-Hydraulics Hydrology 
Appendix D-Bio Resources 
Appendix E-Cultural Resources 
Appendix F-AQ Modeling Results 8-5-09
Appendix G-Noise Modeling Results 
Appendix H-US Census Block Groups Data
Appendix I-Borrow Site Environmental Conditions-Kleinfelder 
Public Notice for DEIS Drawings 
Final EIS, Vol I   Final EIS, Vol 2 and Appendices
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: SPK-1999-00737


Development Projects




Placer Vineyards Development Group, LLC.
c/o: Kent MacDiarmid
The MacDiarmid Company


1A. Doyle

a California limited liability company
c/o: Ron Bertolina, Esq.
AKT Investments, Inc.


1B. Hodel

Hodel Family Enterprises, LP.,
a California limited partnership
c/o: Christine Jordon and Rebecca Beach
Hodel Family Enterprises, LP


2. Mourier 135

John L. Mourier III, a Trustee of the Mourier Family Revocable Lifetime Trust, UTA dated April 13, 1978
c/o: Steve Schnable
John Mourier Construction, Inc.


3. Watt x Baseline

Baseline & Watt, LLC,
a California limited liability company
c/o: Phillip Harvey
Petrovich Development


4A. Placer Vineyards 179a

B and W 60, L.P.,
a California limited partnership
c/o:Ted Messner
Evergreen Commercial


4B.Placer Vineyards 179b

Placer 536,
a California limited partnership
c/o: Jack Sioukas and Sotiris Kolokotronis
JAS Development


6. Placer Vineyards C

Frances E. Shadwick, a married woman as her sole and separate property; Ellen G. O’Looney and John P. O’Looney, as Trustees of the John P. O’Looney and Ellen G. O’Looney 1991 Living Trust, dated October 9, 1991; and Susan K. Pilarsky, a married woman as her sole and separate property, each as to an undivided one-third (1/3) interest, as tenants in common
c/o: Fran Shadwick or Susan Pilarski


7. Placer Vineyards 356

a Delaware limited liability company
c/o: Steven J. Kessler
West Coast Housing Partners, LLC
BHT II Northern Cal 1, LLC
c/o: Rick Langdon
West Coast Housing Partners, LLC


8. Placer Vineyards B

Spinelli Investments, LLC, a California limited liability company, as to an undivided 50% interest and
c/o: Donna Miller
Millspin Investments, LLC, a California limited liability company, as to an undivided 50% interest
c/o: Joan Williams
Millspin Investments


9A. Placer Vineyards A(a)

Placer 1 Owners’ Receivership
c/o: Elli M. A. Mills
Court Appointed Receiver


9B. Placer Vineyards A(b)

Placer 1 Owners’ Receivership
c/o: Elli M. A. Mills
Court Appointed Receiver


10. Dyer 240

Frank Stathos,
c/o: Frank Stathos


11. PGG Properties

P.G.G. Properties,
a General Partnership
c/o: Gus Galaxidas


12A. Placer Vineyards 290, Parcel 1

IL Centro, LLC,
a California limited liability company
c/o: Robert or Mike Musolino


12B. Placer Vineyards 290, Parcel 2

a California limited liability company
c/o: Gus Galaxidas


14. D.F. 80

DF Properties,
a California corporation
c/o: Ken Denio and Jeff Ronten
D.F. Properties, Inc.


15. Placer Vineyards 200

Palladay Greens, LLC,
a California limited liability company
c/o: Tony Gallas


16. Placer Vineyards 88

Placer Vineyards Development Group, LLC,
a California limited liability company
c/o: Bob Shattuck
Lennar Communities


17. Gulley 20

J.A. Sioukas Family Partnership, L.P.,
a California limited partnership
c/o: Jack Sioukas
JAS Developments, Inc.


19. Placer Vineyards 815

Lennar Winncrest, LLC,
a Delaware limited liability company
c/o: Bob Shattuck
Lennar Communities
Baseline A&B Holding, LLC,
A California limited liability company
c/o: Julie Hanson


21. Pan de Leon

John Petros Pandeleon and Nicholas Pandeleon and Contilo K. Pandeleon, as Joint Tenants
c/o: Gus Galaxidas


23. Fong

Candace Fong


24. Capri

Nicolas Pandeleon and Contilo K. Pandeleon, as Trustees of the Pandeleon Family Trust dated May 18, 1999, as to an undivided 25% interest; Nick J. Pantis, as Trustee of the Nick J. Pantis Revocable Trust dated July 1, 2003, as to an undivided 25% interest; Nick Galaxidas, a married man as his sole and separate property, as to an undivided 12.5% interest; Constantino Galaxidas and Stelene D. Galaxidas, as Trustees of The Galaxidas Family Trust dated May 21, 2007, as to an undivided 25% interest; and Anna Galaxidas, as Trustee of the Anna Galaxidas Living Trust, UTA dated July 5, 2007, as to an undivided 12.5% interest.
c/o: Gus Galaxidas


NEPA Lead Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Impact Sciences, Inc.

Description of Purpose and Action: The overall project purpose for the proposed action is to construct a large-scale, regional mixed-use residential project in western Placer County. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, (Corps) is evaluating 22 permit applications as well as a proposed Regional General Permit for the infrastructure. Development under the Proposed Action, if authorized, would fill approximately 119.2 acres (48.2 hectares) of wetlands and other jurisdictional waters of the United States as defined by the federal Clean Water Act (CWA).

Location: The project is located in portions of Sections 6 and 7 of Township 10 North, Range 6 East and Sections 1 - 12 of Township 10 North, Range 5 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, in Placer County, California. The plan area is bounded on the North by Baseline Road, on the East by Walerga Road, on the South by Dry Creek and the Placer County – Sacramento County Line, and on the West by the Placer County – Sutter County Line.


EIS Milestones: Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 16 Mar 2007
Public Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 13 Mar 2007
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 28 Mar 2007
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 26 Apr 2013
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 20 May 2013
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS 25 Jul 2014
Complete Record of Decision 30 Sep 2015

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping 
Public Notice for Scoping (drawings)  
Draft EIS

DEIS Volume I 
DEIS Volume II 
DEIS Volume III 
Executive Summary 
Introduction and Statement of Purpose and Need 
Proposed Action and Alternatives 
Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences 
Agricultural Resources 
Air Quality 
Biological Resources 
Climate Change 
Cultural Resources 
Environmental Justice, Population, And Housing 
Geology, Soils, and Minerals 
Hazards and Hazardous Materials 
Hydrology and Water Quality 
Land Use and Planning 
Public Services 
Transportation and Traffic 
Utilities and Service Systems 
Cumulative Impacts 
Other Statutory Requirements 
Consultation and Coordination 
List of Preparers 
Appendix 1 
Appendix 2 
Appendix 3

Public Notice for DEIS 
Final EIS 
Public Notice for FEIS 
Final Notice for FEIS
Record of Decision

Corps ID: SPK-1999-00590

Applicant: Elliott Home, Easton Development Company, LLC.

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: AECOM

Description of Proposed Action: The proposed project would involve the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into approximately 27.9 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands to construct a large-scale mixed use community within Sacramento County. The proposed project would consist of development of 3,828.5 acres of land. Overall, the proposed project would involve construction of approximately: 1920 acres of residential development, 521 acres of commercial and industrial development, 152 acres of schools, 283.5 acres of parks, 531 acres of wetland and valley elderberry longhorn beetle preserve, and 421 acres of associated infrastructure (road, detention basins, drainage parkway).

Location: This project is located south of Highway 50, in Sections 3 through 10, Township 8 North, Range 7 East and Sections 31 through 34, Township 9 North, Range 7 East, MDB&M, in the City of Rancho Cordova, Sacramento County, California. 

EIS Milestones  Completed
 Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  5 Feb 2004
 Hold Scoping Public Meeting  26 Feb 2004
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  8 Dec 2006
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Supplemental Draft EIS  7 May 2008
 Hold Supplemental Draft EIS Public Meeting  22 May 2008
 Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS  9 Jul 2010
 Complete Record of Decision  13 June 2012

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 
Public Notice for Scoping drawings for pn 
Notice of Availability for Draft EIS 
Draft EIS Vol 1
Draft EIS Vol 2 (Appendix A-F) 
Draft EIS Vol 3 (Appendix G-M)
Notice of Availability of Supplemental Draft EIS
Public Notice for Notice of Availability and Public Hearing for Supplemental Draft EIS 
Supplemental Draft EIS 
Supplemental Draft EIS Appendices 
Final EIS Vol I 
Final EIS Vol II 
Final EIS Appendix K 
Final EIS Appendix Q 
Final EIS Appendix R 
Final EIS Appendix S 
Final EIS Appendix T 
Final EIS Appendix U 
Public Notice for FEIS 
Record of Decision 
Public Notice for Record of Decision

Corps ID: SPK-2006-01050

Steve Schnable, Mourier Investments, LLC,
Kyriakos Tsakapoulos, KT Communities,
Jack Previte, CGB Investments,
Jeff Ronten, D.F. Properties, Inc.,
John Murray, Westpark LR, LLC, 

NEPA Lead Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Impact Sciences, 555 12th Street, Suite 1650, Oakland, California 94607. Contact: Shabnam Barati

Description of Purpose and Action: The overall project purpose for the proposed action is to implement a large-scale, mixed-use, mixed-density master-planned community in western Placer County. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, (Corps) is evaluating nine permit applications to construct the Sierra Vista Specific Plan project, which would result in impacts to approximately 24.81 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands in the approximately 1,612-acre permit area.

Location: The project area is located in Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 & 36, Township 11 North, Range 5 East, MDB&M, on the western edge of the City of Roseville, Placer County, California.

EIS Milestones                                                       Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS                  30 Oct 2007
Public Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS                    28 Mar 2008
Hold Scoping Public Meeting                                 16 Apr 2008
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS   06 Jul 2012
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS   07 Jun 2013
Complete Record of Decision                                30 Mar 2016
Public Notice on Record of Decision       20 Apr 2016


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping drawings
Draft EIS:
    Table of Contents
    Executive Summary
    Project Description
    Environmental Setting
    Air Quality
    Climate Change
    Cultural Resources
    Environmental Justice
    Hydrology Water Quality
    Land Use
    Public Services
    Other Statutory Requirements
Public Notice for DEIS
Final EIS: 
    Table of Contents
    Responses to Comments
    List of Preparers 
    Appendix A: Draft Regional General Permit 
    Appendix B: Conformity Analysis 
    Appendix C: Alternative 4 - Water Supply Pipeline Impacts Analysis
Public Notice for FEIS

Record of Decision

ID Number: SPK-2009-00511

Applicant: Multiple

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento

EIS Contractor: Brown and Caldwell/CDM

Description of Proposed Action: The construction of the six projects (collectively, the “Sunridge Properties”) which would require the filling of approximately 29.7 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands. The EIS is being prepared as part of ongoing litigation concerning Department of the Army permits issued by the Corps between 2005 and 2007 for five of the projects and a pending permit decision for the sixth. A stay in the litigation is in place while the Corps reevaluates the impacts of the projects through preparation of the EIS.

Location: Sunridge Specific Plan Area in Rancho Cordova, Sacramento County, California.


EIS Milestones:   Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 20 Jul 2009
Hold Scoping Public Meetings 30 Jul 2009
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS 2 Jul 2010
Hold Draft EIS Public Meetings 27 Jul 2010
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS 15 Oct 2010
Complete Record of Decision 25 Jan 2011


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping EIS
Notice of Avilabiltiy Draft EIS
Public Notice for Draft EIS 
Draft EIS
Comments to Draft EIS 
Notice of Availability Final EIS
Final EIS Volume I (129.17 mb)
Final EIS Volume II (180.68 mb)
Public Notice for FEIS
Record of Decision

Corps ID: SPK-1999-00203

Applicant: Board of Regents of the University of California & University Community Land Company (UCLC)

NEPA Lead Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Impact Sciences, Inc., IFC Jones & Stokes, Fehr & Peers

Description of Purpose and Action: In accordance to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the US Merced and University Community project. The purpose of this project is to continue to develop the UC Merced Campus and its contiguous associated community, to support the growing student population. The anticipated enrollment of UC Merced is 25,000 Full Time Equivalent Students. The purpose and need for this project is to develop a major research university within the San Joaquin Valley, and further extend the reach of the University of California school systems.

Location: The project site is located in Sections 26, 27, 34, and 35, Township 6 South, Range 14 East and Sections 2 and 3, Township 7 South, Range 14 East, in Merced County, California, approximately 2 miles northeast of the Merced city limits. The campus site would occupy approximately 815-acres, the Community North site is approximately 833-acres, and the Community South site is approximately 1,118-acres.


EIS Milestones:  Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS 8 Apr 2008
Hold Scoping Public Meeting 23 Apr 2008
Publish Notice of Availability & Issue Draft EIS 19 Nov 2008
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 2 Dec 2008
Publish Notice of Availability & Issue Final EIS 16 Mar 2009
Complete Record of Decision 29 Apr 2009


Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Draft EIS
Public Notice for DEIS
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS

Corps ID: SPK-2005-00938

Applicant: Westpark S.V. 400, LLC

NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

EIS Contractor: Impact Sciences, Inc.

Description of Proposed Action: The applicant proposes to develop approximately 400 acres. The Westbrook Project, as proposed, would include a mixture of land uses, including new residential neighborhoods, elementary school, parks and several neighborhood serving retail centers. The Westbrook Project would involve approximately 146 acres of low-density residential, 84 acres of medium-density residential 28 acres high-density residential and 43 acres of commercial land uses. Other proposed land uses include a 10-acre elementary school site, approximately 16 acres for three neighborhood parks, and approximately 37 acres of open space for the preservation of natural resources areas. The proposed project site contains approximately 13 acres of waters of the United States, 9.6 acres of which the applicant proposes to impact.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathy Norton, 916-557-5260, email: Be sure to include the Corps ID in the subject line.

Location: The proposed site for the Westbrook community is located immediately west of the City of Roseville’s existing city limits in Sections 26 and 27 of Township 11 North, Range 5 East, MDB & M, Latitude 38.7729°, Longitude -121.3900°, unincorporated Placer County, California.


EIS Milestones:  Completed
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS  25 Jul 2012
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS  31 May 2013
Hold DEIS Public Meeting 25 Jun 2013 ( 4:30 PM until 6:30 PM at the City of Roseville’s Civic Center Meeting Rooms, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, California  95678.)
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS 18 Apr 2014
Complete Record of Decision  28 Jul 2014

Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Public Notice Drawings
Draft EIS

Table of Contents - Vol I 
Table of Contents - Vol II 
Executive Summary 
Chapter 1.0 Introduction and Statement of Purpose and Need  
Chapter 2.0, Proposed Action and Alternatives 
Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences  
Chapter 3.1, Aesthetics  
Chapter 3.2, Agricultural Resources; 
Chapter 3.3, Air Quality 
Chapter 3.4, Biological Resources 
Chapter 3.5, Climate Change  
Chapter 3.6, Cultural Resources 
Chapter 3.7, Environmental Justice, Population, and Housing 
Chapter 3.8, Geology, Soils, and Minerals  
Chapter 3.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials  
Chapter 3.10, Hydrology and Water Quality  
Chapter 3.11, Land Use and Planning 
Chapter 3.12, Noise 
Chapter 3.13, Public Services 
Chapter 3.14, Transportation and Traffic  
Chapter 3.15, Utilities and Service Systems 
Chapter 4.0, Other Statutory Requirements  
Chapter 5.0, Consultation and Coordination  
Chapter 6.0, List of Preparers  
Chapter 7.0, Index  
Appendix 1.0, Scoping Letter  
Appendix 2.0, Technical Memorandum: Alternatives Development and Screening  
Appendix 3.3, Air Quality Documentation  
Appendix 3.4, Biological Resources Documentation 
Appendix 3.12, Traffic Noise Modeling 
Appendix 3.14, Westbrook EIS Transportation Analysis 

Public Notice for DEIS PN Attachments
Final EIS
Public Notice for FEIS  drawings for PN for FEIS