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Apply for a Permit

Permit Application Information

The type of permit application and/or pre-construction notification form that is submitted to the Sacramento District will vary depending on the type of activity and the extent of impacts to waters of the U.S. Please review the information below to determine the appropriate form to be submitted with a request for authorization for activities subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and/or Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

Types of Permits:


Regional and Programmatic Permits 

Nationwide Permits

Individual Permits 

Letters of Permission
Standard Individual Permits


Types of Permits:


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General Permits

General permits are a type of permit issued on a regional or nationwide basis for a category or categories of activities when: (1) those activities are substantially similar in nature and cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts; or (2) the general permit would result in avoiding unnecessary duplication of the regulatory control exercised by another Federal, state, or local agency provided it has been determined that the environmental consequences of the action are individually and cumulatively minor. General Permits consist of Regional or Programmatic General Permits and Nationwide Permits.


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Regional and Programmatic Permits

The request for authorization under a Regional General Permit (RGP) or Programmatic General Permit (PGP) will vary depending on the permit. Please review the RGP or PGP to determine the required information and format required:

The request for authorization under a Regional General Permit (RGP) or Programmatic General Permit (PGP) will vary depending on the permit. Please review the RGP or PGP to determine the required information and format required:

RGP 1: Minimal Impact Activities within the Plan Area of the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan.
RGP 7: Construction and Maintenance of Flood Control Facilities in Clark County, Nevada
RGP 12: Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado
RGP 37: Stream Stabilization in Western Colorado
PGP 40: Minimal Impact Activities under the Stream Alteration Program in the State of Utah
RGP 57: Projects Beneficial for the Recovery of Upper Colorado Endangered Fishes in Utah & Western Colorado)
RGP 60: Repair and Protection Work in Emergency Situations in California, Nevada and Utah


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Nationwide Permits

A request for authorization under a Nationwide Permit (NWP) will be made through the submittal of a complete pre-construction notification (PCN). The complete PCN may be submitted in one of two ways:

1. Through the completion of the South Pacific Division Pre-construction Notification Checklist,found here ; or
2. Through the completion of a signed Department of the Army application form, ENG Form 4345, found here, with an attachment providing information on the compliance with all of the General Conditions and Regional Conditions of the NWP.

Specific NWPs may require the submittal of additional information. Please ensure that you review all of the General Conditions and Regional Conditions of the specific NWP prior to submitting the PCN for your activity. The General Conditions for the NWPs may be found in the NWP information sheets, located here. The Regional Conditions for the NWPs vary depending on the location of the proposed activity: 

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-California Regional Conditions 
-Nevada Regional Conditions
-Utah Regional Conditions 
-Colorado Regional Conditions 
-Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Checklist

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Individual Permits

  Individual permits are permits for activities that cannot be authorized under a general permit. These activities may have more than minimal individual or cumulative environmental impacts. Individual permits consist of Letters of Permission and Standard Permits.

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Letters of Permission

A Letter of Permission (LOP) may be authorized for certain activities subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 , or may be authorized for activities subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act within the States of California, Nevada or Utah, provided the applicant follow the LOP process for the appropriate state.

For activities subject to only Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (e.g. fixed or floating small private piers, small docks),. you should submit a completed and signed Department of the Army application form, ENG Form 4345, with associated drawings. Instructions on how to complete the DA form 4345 may be found here .

For activities subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, if applicable), please review the LOP for your state to determine the required information and format required. Please note that for a Section 404 LOP, you should schedule a pre-application meeting with the appropriate office prior to submitting a permit application. 


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Letter of Permission Procedures for California 
Letter of Permission Procedures for Nevada 
Letter of Permission Procedures for Utah

Pre-Application Meeting California/Utah 

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Standard Individual Permits

A Standard Permit (SP) is a type of permit that is issued for activities that do not qualify for authorization under an RGP, PGP, NWP, and/or LOP. SPs require a full public interest review, which includes the preparation and distribution of a public notice to adjacent property owners, other agencies and interested members of the public. For large activities that require an SP, you should schedule a pre-application meeting with the appropriate office prior to submitting a permit application. A pre-application meeting will help you learn more about the regulatory process and get input from the Corps and other Federal, state or local agencies on the project, in order to allow for more efficient processing of the permit application.

Pre-application Meeting Information for California/Utah.

For all requests for authorization under an SP, you should submit a completed and signed Department of the Army application form, ENG Form 4345, with associated drawings. Instructions on how to complete a DA form 4345 may be found here. Although minimal information is required for a complete DA permit application, additional information is generally required in order for the Corps to make a permit decision. Following receipt of the completed and signed DA permit application, you will be notified by the appropriate office on what additional information is needed, if any.  

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Application Information and Instructions