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Real Estate

The Walla Walla District Real Estate Division’s work benefits not only the Corps mission, but also the public at large who derive benefits through the use of Corps lands. The Real Estate staff are tasked with performing a variety of functions: provide management oversight for non-Corps uses of Corps lands through issuance of outgrants; transfers and disposals of lands when excess to needs or mandated through congressional action; management of land records for acquisition, real estate planning, management, disposal and appraisals; and providing the Real Property Accountability Officer, who conducts real property inspections for the entire district, and maintains all real property records.

In general, outgranting use of Corps lands is beneficial either to the Corps (such as recreational outgrants), or beneficial to some other entity (such as counties, cities, utilities, or private citizens). Proposals for projects are received by real estate staff and coordination of the reviews (internal and external) is managed by realty specialists. Realty specialists act as project managers as they shepherd proposals from the formative stages through to execution. All outgrants are executed by the Real Estate Chief, who is the Real Estate Contracting Officer for the District. Applications for recreational outgrants, amendments to existing recreational outgrants or additional uses are reviewed in accordance with Chapter 16 - Recreation Development Policy for Outgranted Corps Lands. Most recreational outgrants fit into one of the following categories:

  • Recreational outgrants issued as leases to states, local governments and ports. The areas are open to the public at large for recreation, but are not operated for the goals of making a profit. Columbia Park in the Tri-Cities is a prime example of this arrangement.
  • Recreation concession leases are issued to private parties, operating for profit; and the areas are open to the public at large for recreation.  Operators can collect reasonable fees commensurate with the area. Chief Timothy Park near Clarkston is a good example of this type of lease.
  • Private recreation leases are issued (private boat clubs) to private parties. Use of the facility is for members only, thus full market rental is charged because of the exclusive nature of the use. The McNary and Walla Walla Yacht Clubs are both private recreational leases.

Non-recreational outgranting of lands is usually initiated by an outside entity seeking to utilize Corps land for an activity that provides a benefit to: an individual, company, government entity, or the public, but not necessarily to the Corps. Applications for non-recreational outgrants or amendments to existing outgrants are reviewed in accordance with Chapter 17 – Non-Outgrant Policy

  • Normally, approval will require one of two findings; either the proposal is of direct benefit to the government, or there is no viable alternative to the activity or structure being located on Corps land.
  • Common customers include: private citizens, local, state and federal government agencies, private corporations, utility companies, and port authorities.
  • Common outgrant instruments are: leases, easements, permits, licenses and consents to use areas where the Corps have easements.
  • Examples of authorized uses are: power lines, sewer lines, irrigation pump plants, mitigation activities, storage areas, highways & roads, oil & gas pipelines, port facilities, etc.
  • Full administrative fees are normally charged for all required reviews and approvals, as well as a market value rental. Administrative fees are used to fund legally required reviews by different sections of the Walla Walla District, such as the Environmental Compliance Section, Operations, Engineering, Real Estate and Office of Counsel.

 If you have any questions regarding the Real Estate Division mission contact us at: 

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What is an ARPA Permit?

An ARPA permit allows qualified individuals to conduct archaeological resource surveys on federal property. Qualified individuals have the appropriate education/experience and capability to perform professionally acceptable archaeological resources studies and develop reports documenting their findings.

Why is an ARPA Permit Required?

Federal agencies that manage land are responsible for the care and protection of archaeological resources on federal lands. All archaeological resources surveys undertaken on federal lands must be conducted under a Permit. The Walla Walla District's authority for issuing a Permit is contained in the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979.

When do I need a Permit?

Any individual seeking to construct a dock or facility on federal land must provide an archaeological resources report prior to the Corps approving the construction plan. This report will be used to determine if the proposed development may impact archaeological resources. Most individuals are not qualified to develop an archaeological resources report and will need to seek the assistance of a professional archeologist. Permits are issued to either applicants who will have the qualified individuals actually perform the surveys, or directly to qualified individuals working on behalf of the applicant who is seeking to construct a dock or facility.

Who determines whether someone is a qualified individual?

The Walla Walla District's Cultural Resources Staff will review the application to determine whether the person who will be conducting the archaeological excavations meets the requirements in 32 C.F.R. § 229.8(a)(1). Specifically, "the applicant is appropriately qualified, as evidenced by training, education, and/or experience, and possesses demonstrable competence in archaeological theory and methods, and in collecting, handling, analyzing, evaluating, and reporting archaeological data, relative to the type and scope of the work proposed." Minimally, the applicant archaeologist must meet the Secretary of the Interior's Qualification Standards in the sub-fields appropriate to the work proposed in the permit application.

How do I apply for an ARPA Permit?

First, determine who will be conducting the archaeological survey. Second, either the applicant or the qualified individuals will complete the downloadable and fillable "Walla Walla District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Application for a Federal Permit Under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act." Third, submit the completed and signed application with a Statement of Qualifications, and resumes or curricula vitae for Principal Investigators and Supervisory Field Personnel (Crew Chiefs). Electronic submittals are accepted but the signature of the prospective permit administrator must be included (pdf format is acceptable).

How long does it take to get an ARPA Permit?

It will take approximately 60 days to receive your ARPA permit once you have submitted a complete application. The reason for the 60-day review period is the requirement that the federal government provide Native American Tribes an opportunity to comment on proposed archaeological surveys. Additionally, once submitted, it may take a few weeks for our review of your application to begin because there may be existing projects we are engaged in completing.

What happens when I have my permit?

Once a permit has been issued the professional archaeologist, working on behalf of the applicant, may proceed with their archaeological survey. This survey will result in a determination of effect (e.g., the construction of a dock at this location will not impact an archaeological site.). This determination will influence whether or not a proposed dock is approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Any archaeological material collected by the professional archaeologists is the property of the federal government and must be returned, and any archaeological material remains not collected are protected under both criminal and civil penalties also found in the ARPA.

What do I do with the Archaeological Resources Report that documents findings?

The report must be submitted to the Walla Walla District's Cultural Resources Staff for review and acceptance. If the report is deficient, the Cultural Resources Staff will document the deficiencies and request they be addressed by the report's author prior to acceptance. Once accepted by the Walla Walla District, the information contained in the report will be used to complete consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer and Native American Tribes. Upon completion of that consultation, and provided all other requirements are met, the proposal to construct a dock or facility may be approved. Renewal permits for existing structures do not require archaeological documentation at present.
Who do I contact for more information?

For more information, contact the Real Estate Division at 509-527-7328.

Comments may be mailed to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District
Real Estate Division
201 North Third Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362

October 1, 2010


10 USC 2695, Chapter 159 (Appendix C) as amended by the Defense Authorization Act of 1998, Section 2813(a) enabled acceptance of funds to cover administrative expenses for the exchange of real property, the lease or license of real property, and the granting of an easement.

10 USC 2695(b) as amended by the Defense Authorization Act of 1999, Section 2813, enabled acceptance of funds to cover administrative expenses related to real property disposals.


The party benefiting from the real property transaction is responsible for the costs of that transaction. Administrative fees are all of the costs incurred by the Corps in the review, assessment, approval, and monitoring of a real estate transaction.


If there is no direct benefit to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project, the applicant is charged both the administrative fee and fair market value of the real estate or interest.

If there is a public benefit, but the applicant has a reasonable opportunity to generate income from the transaction, both the administrative fee and fair market value of the real estate or interest will be charged.

State, tribal, regional or local government agencies will be charged both the administrative fee and the fair market value for those transactions providing a public benefit with no direct benefit to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project.

Unless there is a mutual benefit to the government in disposal transactions, the recipient of the property will be charged an administrative fee and the fair market value of the real estate or interest.


Other federal agencies will not pay administrative fees but may be required to complete a portion or all of the environmental diligence requirements.

Disposal actions not performed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Encroachments when there is culpable negligence by the federal government.

Actions directed by special legislation that specifically state they will be at no cost to the grantee/recipient, or when funding is specifically provided from another source.


The application process has two phases.

The initial phase requires submission of an application and the initial fee. The application will be reviewed to ensure it is complete, the Corps will assess whether the property is available for the intended use, and the Corps will develop an estimate of the costs to complete the transaction. Payment of the initial phase fee is due when the application is made.

Payment of the second phase fee is due once the applicant is notified of the estimated cost for that phase. The second phase includes all of the reviews, analysis, coordination, and preparation required to complete the transaction.


A copy of the application is available here. (Application)


If you have any question regarding the administrative fee process, please contact the Walla Walla District Real Estate Division at (509) 527-7320 or by email at cenww-re@usace.army.mil.

Contact Us

Walla Walla District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
201 N 3rd Ave
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: 509-527-7320
Email: cenww-re@usace.army.mil