Institute for Water Resources


Flood Risk Management Program

Flood Risk Management for the Public

While governments at all levels work to reduce risk and respond during flood events, individuals and businesses also have responsibilities for flood risk management. As an individual or business owner, you should understand your flood risk, take action to reduce that risk, and know what to do if you are impacted by a flood. For more information about what you should know and what you can do, visit

  • FEMA has several programs that assist individuals in becoming aware of and reducing their family’s flood risk. FEMA’s Ready website provides great background information on floods and specific actions that individuals and families can take to better prepare, withstand, and recover from flooding.
  • So You Live Behind a Levee is a document developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) that describes the nature of risk associated with levees and floodwalls.
  • Turn Around Don’t Drown is a campaign by NOAA to provide information on actions individuals can take to keep themselves out of harms way.
  • Learn about the history of floods in your area. An ongoing effort by NOAA is publically displaying the high water marks of previous floods:
  • Federal agencies are also working together to create flood inundation maps that can help you determine if your home or business is at risk. Take a look at
  • For more information on preparedness and how you can reduce your risk of flooding, visit
  • First of all, know your flood risk and know what to do if a flood is predicted. Your local community is responsible for making and announcing flood evacuation decisions.
  • Individuals and businesses that have purchased flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program will be able to seek a claim and be able to recover more quickly.
  • The Small Business Administration provides loans to get qualified businesses up and running again after a flood.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture Crop Insurance Program helps pay for agricultural losses due to flooding.
Flood Risk Management Program