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Home > Missions > Interagency Support > Hydrology and Hydraulics

Hydraulics and Hydrology

Through its IIS program, the Buffalo District is very excited to share with you it’s capabilities in the areas of hydraulics & hydrology engineering. For many years the Buffalo District’s H&H Team has been showcasing its expertise with aspects associated with the following activities:

  • Environmental Restoration Studies
  • Flood Plain Management Studies
  • Flood Control Studies
  • Sediment Transport Modeling
  • Interior Drainage Analysis
  • Reservoir Analysis
  • Watershed and Stream Modeling
  • Assist in the Inspection of Completed Projects
  • Evaluate Current Conditions of Completed Projects
  • Monitor Weather and Stream Conditions
  • Flood Fights and Technical Advice
  • Cooperative Stream Gaging Program
  • Dam Safety

The cornerstone of the work we do as the Corps of Engineers is based on our ability to do quality hydraulic and hydrological engineering. Our H&H Team has been relied on to establish baseline conditions of the waters of the U.S. and predict the effects of all kinds of projects. As an organization, we make it a priority to be the leaders in the area of hydraulic and hydrological engineering, and through our IIS program, we would like to offer these elite H&H services to entities that are in need of support.

Contact the IIS Program


Phone: 716-879-4446

Fax: 716-879-4194

Email: buffalo-iis@usace.army.mil 


Click here to print our IIS E-Business Card!