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Planning Division

Mission Statement 

We are the District's Planning and Policy experts. In partnership with our customers within and outside the Corps, we identify water, land and related resource problems, needs, and opportunities, identify Federal interest, develop alternatives and recommend implementable solutions that are economically and environmentally sound.


Planning Division supervises, directs and is responsible for all planning assignments, in accordance with APP XVIII to ER 10-1-3. Assignments include but are not limited to pre-authorization studies, feasibility studies, economic re-studies and post-authorization studies, including Limited Re-evaluation reports, General Re-evaluation reports, and Rehabilitation studies. Planning Division manages the Continuing Authorities Program. We act as a consultant and advisor to the District Engineer and other staff members on Civil Works Policy, cost sharing matters and Federal interest issues. We are also responsible for environmental and cultural resource analyses and evaluations for use in Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessments (EA), and other environmental documents. Our products document the District's evaluations of proposed Corps actions. Planning coordinates those evaluations with environmental agencies to obtain approvals to implement the proposed Corps actions. We also perform environmental monitoring to ensure compliance of the District's navigation projects. 


   Freshwater Control Structures     Dredge Disposal Areas            Savannah River



William (Bill) Bailey
Chief, Planning Division
(912) 652-5781

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