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Fire Island to Montauk Point - Reports

Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point (FIMP) Reformulation Environmental Studies (in PDF)

  • Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP), Final Phase I Report, August 2006 (120 MB)
  • FINAL FIMP Phase II HEP Report Auguest 2009 (12 MB)
  • FINAL FIMP Phase II HEP Report August 2009 - APPENDICES ONLY (11 MB)
  • Comparative Study of Beach Invertebrates - Westhampton Barrier Island, Final - April 99 (555 KB)
  • Cultural Projects (3 MB)
  • Environmental Scoping Document: Atlantic Coast of LI, FIMP Storm Damage Reduction Reformulation Study (4 MB)
  • Surf Clam Study: Summer 2001 and pre-dredging events (5 MB)
  • Fire Island Interim (Draft Decision Doc) EIS - complete (1999) (50 MB)
  • Water Quality Report, 1999 (Moffatt & Nichol) (40 MB)
  • FIMP Analysis of Breach and Overwash Sediment Transport Summary of Known Impacts Physical and Biological: "Position Paper" 2001 (442 KB)
  • FIMP Storm Damage Reduction Reformulation Study, Mitigation Screening 1999 (3 MB)
  • Roxann Study "Final Backbay Benthic Invertebrate Habitat Survey" July 2003 (9 MB)
  • WOSI and Cherry Grove, "offshore borrow area multi-species sampling" 3 reports (4 MB)
  • WOSI EA: 1999 (263 KB)
  • Benthic Invertebrate Survey: Napeague to E. of Fire Island Inlet 2001 (498 KB)
  • Fire Island Inlet to Moriches Inlet Draft Decision Document: Main Report and Draft EIS, Nov. 1999 (50 MB)
  • Conceptual Model Phase II (2 MB)
  • Conceptual Model, Phase II, Digital Demo (2 MB)
  • Conceptual Model, Phase III, Digital Demo (13 MB)
  • Cover Type Map,  I (59 MB) & II (59 MB)
  • Cover Type Map and Profile View Illustration Methodology Report (1 MB)
  • Beach and Intertidal Invertebrate Survey (8 MB)
  • Final Avian Survey Summary Report (13 MB)
  • Final Small Mammal and Herpetile Survey Summary Report (12 MB)
  • Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Bed Characterization – Phase II (15 MB)
  • Intertidal Wetland and Estuarine Finfish (Year 2) (15 MB)
  • Baymen Survey (85 KB)
  • Creel Suvey (682 KB)
  • Data Gap Analysis (7 MB)
  • Surf Clam Stock Assessment (6 MB)
  • Alternatives Screening (562 KB)
  • Historical Resources Study (7 MB)
  • Conceptual Model, Phase III Report (3 MB)
  • Submergent Aquatic Vegetation Evaluation Report May 2006 (2 MB)
  • Eastern Shore Zone (6 MB)
  • Benthic Invertebrate Survey, East of Shinnecock Inlet to East of Fire Island Inlet (3 MB)

FIMP Borrow Area Data Compilation Reports

  • Borrow Area Data Report (1.4 MB)
  • Borrow Area User's Guide (1.0 MB)

FIMP Hard Clam Growth Rate Study Final Summary Reports


  • App A1 - FinalDraft0321 (517 KB)
  • App A2 - Forge River 2001 (76 KB)
  • App A2 - Moriches Inlet 2001 (76 KB)
  • App A2 - Smiths Point 2001 (76 KB)
  • App A3 - Forge River 2003 (68 KB)
  • App A3 - Moriches Inlet 2003 (67 KB)
  • App A3 - Smiths Point 2003 (64 KB)
  • App A4 - Temp and Salinity Chart 2000 (471 KB)
  • App A5 - List of Phytoplankton (25 KB)
  • App A5 - Phytoplanton Enumeration 2001 (31 KB)
  • App A6 - Size Fractionation 2001 (7 KB)
  • App A7 - Size fractionation 2003 (20 KB)
  • App B - Temp and Salinity Charts (256 KB)

Final Report (1.2 MB)

For more information please read the Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point Project Fact Sheet or email the Project Manager.