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Water Resources Development Books

The Water Resources Development Book is an electronic publication describing the activities and projects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers within the Rock Island District. 

The Rock Island District is located in the states of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin including five major river basins the Des Moines, Illinois, Iowa/Cedar, Mississippi and Rock River basins.

The creation of this information is published under Public Law 99-662, Nov. 17, 1986, Section 925(c). That section states: The Secretary [of the Army] shall prepare biennially for public information a report for each State containing a description of each water resources project under the jurisdiction of the Secretary in such State and the status of each such project.

Basin Reports

The Rock Island District manages projects within four major watershed basins. These reports  provide a comprehensive reference for all Corps programs and projects within these four basins. The Corps is responsible for a number of major mission responsibilities within each of the basins. This document seeks to integrate these activities regardless of Corps District or Division boundaries or Program restrictions.

This basin management report is intended to provide information to educate partners and customers, regional planners, Corps employees, and congressional representatives. This document provides a reference for Corps outreach activities and basin integration.