
HarborSym Simulation Model for Coastal Harbors

HarborSym is a planning-level simulation model designed to assist in economic analyses of coastal harbors. With user provided input data, such as the port layout, vessel calls, and transit rules, the model calculates vessel interactions within the harbor. Unproductive wait times result when vessels are forced to delay sailing due to transit restrictions within the channel; HarborSym captures these delays. Using the model, analysts can calculate the cost of these delays and any changes in overall transportation costs resulting from proposed modifications to the channel’s physical dimensions or sailing restrictions. Developed as a data driven model, HarborSym allows users to analyze changes without modifying complex computer code. This approach also enables analysts to apply the model to many different ports by altering the network representation of the harbor.

A new release dated October 2013 of HarborSym is currently available for download from this website. Additional resources available include:

If you have a question, comment or suggestion, please contact us for assistance or additional information on HarborSym.

HarborSym offers the following

  • Graphical User Interface for data entry and customization of the harbor network
  • Coastal harbor vessel movement behavior including:
    • Tide
    • Pilot movement rules (sailing restrictions)
    • Priority vessels (cruise ships, gaseous tankers)
  • Monte Carlo simulation to incorporate risk and uncertainty
  • Detailed outputs including vessel delay times and transportation costs
  • Within simulation and 3-dimensional post process animations