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Mission and Vision

The Pittsburgh District provides expertise to help the region and the nation meet water resources development, environmental and other engineering needs.
     The US Army Corps of Engineers' involvement in works “of a civil nature” dates back almost to the origins of the United States. Over the years, as the Nation’s needs have changed, so have the Army’s Civil Works missions. Those missions today fall into four broad areas.

 - Water infrastructure
 - Environmental management and restoration
 - Response to natural and man-made disasters
 - Engineering and technical services

Missions in each of these areas support the Army, Department of Defense and other federal, state and local agencies.
     Civil Works projects are located throughout the United States to address a wide variety of national needs.  The primary funds for the Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works program come from the annual Energy and Water Resources Development Appropriation (WRDA), not the Defense budget. A typical annual Civil Works program budget is about $5 billion and includes WRDA funds and cost-sharing funds supplied directly by non-federal sponsors for specific projects plus reimbursable work performed for other federal agencies.
     The process for developing Civil Works projects begins when citizens see a need for flood protection, navigation or other water-related infrastructure and ask Congress for help. Congress directs the Corps of Engineers to do an engineering or feasibility study to determine the project’s validity. Corps studies typically include two phases:  an initial reconnaissance to determine if a feasible solution is likely, then a feasibility study to examine alternatives and select the alternative that best meets national and local needs.
     Most feasibility studies require local sponsor cost-sharing. If the study determines that a project is warranted, Congress may authorize the project and appropriate funds. Most projects are built with a combination of federal funds and contributions by non-federal sponsors. Generally, the local non-federal sponsor operates and maintains the completed project.

 - Delivering integrated regional solutions that minimize risk and enhance reliability for the Nation’s infrastructure, water resources and environment.
 - Maintaining a team of multi-functional professionals poised to face the challenges of the future.

Our Goals
 - Our People: Valued and Productive
 - Our Organization: Effective and Efficient
 - Our Customers: Valued and Satisfied
 - Our Future: Integrated solutions to local, national and global challenges