Project Review Plans

This page identifies and provides links to Civil Works review plans developed by the St. Paul District.

Review Plans are published in accordance with Engineering Circular 1165-2-214. This circular details quality review requirements for all civil works decision documents.

Review Plans and Description

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Ft. Abercrombie Section 14 is primarily a streambank stabilization project. Ongoing erosion at the toe of the outside bend of the river has resulted in threatening historic building locations. One historic building location has already been lost to the river, another has been partially eroded and others are at risk. Two major areas of erosion are occurring onsite (Northern and Eastern). No significant efforts have been undertaken to slow the erosion at this time. High water on the Red River of the North in spring 2009 and 2010 has further exacerbated the condition of the slope. [Go to review plan]
This Review Plan (RP) defines the scope and level of review for the local sponsor proposed modifications to the Alvarado, Minnesota Flood Risk Management Project. The proposed modifications require Corps of Engineers approval per the provisions of 33 U.S.C. 408. The configuration of the proposed flood protection system is substantially similar to the original USACE engineering design. Significant modifications to the existing levee system are required in order for the flood protection system to obtain FEMA accreditation and to meet current USACE design criteria. Upgrading the flood protection system consists of; bank unloading and realignment of the levee, construction of new floodwalls, placement of erosion control features, stream bank restoration along the Snake River, correction and completion of all inspection work items per USACE Periodic Inspection Report dated June 2010. [Go to Review Plan]

Arcadia is located in Trempealeau County in west-central Wisconsin, approximately 130 miles southeast of St. Paul, Minnesota. The city is located on the Trempealeau River with Turton and Meyers Valley creeks flowing through the town. The area is subject to flooding from the river, as well as both creeks. The part of town located south of the Trempealeau River is affected by flooding, which includes Ashley Furniture Industries corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility, as well as a Golden Plump poultry plant, and at least 60 other structures. In September 2010 flooding caused approximately $12 million in damages within the city of Arcadia. Recently, the City has invested over $2 million in improvements and upgrades to reduce future damages from flooding. [Link to the Review Plan]

River bank erosion along the highly sinuous Red Cedar River is threatening the stability of the bank directly adjacent the Colfax Wastewater Treatment facility, which consists of three interconnected lagoons. The erosion site is located along 1300 linear feel o{the southern bank of the river, less than a mile downstream of Colfax. Rock/riprap groins have been constructed at the wastewater treatment site in the past to force the main part of the river flow away from the bank and slow sediment transport. Erosion has progressed to within 50 feet of the edge of wastewater treatment ponds, posing a potential water quality hazard and threatening downstream ecosystems, including Tainter Lake located 4 miles downstream. [Go to review plan]

The purpose of this project is to evaluate and design additional measures to reduce the risk of flood damage at the city of Devils Lake, Ramsey County, North Dakota. This project is a unique situation in that it is an emergency project being accomplished under P.L. 84-99 using Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies funding. However, the design is being completed following permanent geotechnical Corps of Engineers dam safety criteria with consideration to hydraulics and hydrology dam safety criteria. [Go to review plan]
An area of County Highway M along the east bank of the Red Cedar River northeast of Colfax, Wisconsin is being threatened by erosion. The erosion is occurring along the outside bend of the river. Based on surveys, a stretch of river bank that is approximately 500 feet long is actively eroding where the top of bank has encroached on the right of way for County Highway M. Currently the top of bank is within 10-15 feet of the shoulder at the center of the site. Further erosion would lead to a significant safety concern as the bank drops off approximately 50 feet to the water surface below. [Review Plan]
The FMM Flood Risk Management Project will result in significant flood damage reduction for the project area. The project consists of a flood diversion channel on the North Dakota side of the Red River of the North. The 36-mile long diversion will consist of two control structures, four river crossings, diversion outlet, four new railroad bridges, and 19 new road bridges. The project is a single purpose flood risk management project with ecosystem and recreational objectives. [Go to Review Plan]
The City of Grafton is located in Walsh County on the northeastern part of North Dakota, along the Park River, a tributary of the Red River of the North. The project consists of a 2.8 mile long Bypass channel, a 7.9 mile long tieback levee, three railroad bridges, one highway bridge, control structure, diversion structure, drop structure, five county road raises, mitigation for loss offloodplain forest habitat, and miscellaneous interior drainage structures. The proj ect will reduce the risk of flood damage at the City of Grafton, and will provide a 100-year level of protection to the community, reducing the community's reliance on emergency construction measures to protect it.
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The Mississippi River 9 Foot Channel is a navigation project on the Upper Mississippi River. This project considers revising channel maintenance activities from LID 2 upstream approximately six miles. In this reach, channel maintenance and navigation have become increasingly difficult in recent years due to changing sediment transport characteristics.
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The study area is located in a rural setting in Wilkin County just to the east of Breckenridge, Minnesota, approximately 180 miles northwest of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Otter Tail River is located in the upper portion of the Red River Valley watershed. A major reach of the river upstream of Breckenridge, Minnesota, was the subject of a flood control project constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the early 1950’s. It involved straightening, cleaning enlarging the river for drainage improvement to local agriculture. The overall length of the river in this reach was reduced from 18 miles to 11 miles as a result of the project. The straightened channel decreased channel length, increased channel grade, increased channel conveyance, increased bank erosion, and reduced the flood profiles in the lower Otter Tail River watershed. [Review Plan]
The purpose of the Marsh Lake Ecosystem Restoration Project is to restore the aquatic and riparian ecosystems in the Marsh Lake area. Marsh Lake is located on the Minnesota River in western Minnesota (Figure 1-1). Lac qui Parle and Marsh Lake Reservoirs form boundaries for Lac qui Parle, Chippewa, Swift, and Big Stone Counties.The lower Pomme de Terre River and in the upper end of the Lac qui Parle reservoir were altered 4 by the 1930’s construction of the Marsh Lake Dam and diversion of the Pomme de Terre River into Marsh Lake which fundamentally changed the ecosystem state. [Go to review plan]
The Minnesota River Basin Watershed Study began in September 2008 with the execution of a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement between the St. Paul District US Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (sponsor). The primary planning objective is to prepare a plan for watershed, aquatic ecosystem, and water quality management and restoration in the Minnesota River Basin. [Go to review plan]
The Sunrise River Watershed Feasibility Study began in December 2007 with the execution of a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement between the St. Paul District US Army Corps of Engineers and Chisago County, Minn. The objective of the Sunrise River study will be to prepare a plan for watershed management and resulting aquatic ecosystem protection and restoration. Federal (Corps of Engineers)
interest in the Sunrise Watershed is based on the potential benefits of improved watershed management and aquatic ecosystem restoration on not only the Sunrise River and it’s tributaries, but also the downstream St. Croix River. [Go to review plan]
The project goal is to revise channel maintenance activities within the reach defined under project location. Historically, channel maintenance in this reach has been accomplished by periodic dredging and material placement onto nearby temporary placement sites. The temporary sites are periodically unloaded to permanent placement sites. In recent years, budget constraints and increased sedimentation has made this approach infeasible. Preliminary hydraulic engineering indicates the potential for significant improvements by modifying the channel alignment.
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The purpose of the Lock and Dam 3 Fish Passage Improvement Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project is to present the results of a feasibility study undertaken to restore connectivity of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) for a wide range of migratory warm water fish species. Lock and Dam 3 is located at Upper Mississippi River mile 797, about 41 miles downriver from St. Paul, Minnesota, and 6 miles upriver from Red Wing, Minnesota.

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The 1958 Sand Hill River Project was constructed for flood control and major drainage improvement. The project enlarged an existing state ditch and channelized the upstream and downstream portions of the Sand Hill River connecting to the state ditch. A series of four concrete drop structures were installed in the new Sand Hill River alignment to provide grade control. These grade control structures created 6 to 8-foot changes in bed grade, which are impassable to fish. The primary goal of the proposed project is to modify the existing drop structure fish barriers in order to reopen the upper Sand Hill River and its tributaries to upstream fish movement and thereby, provide important spawning, rearing, and seasonal habitat for fish species in the lower Sand Hill River and the Red River. [Go to review plan]

The purpose of this National Programmatic Review Plan is to serve as a single overarching plan to meet this requirement for all routine O&M products. The further intent of this review plan is to highlight the requirements, procedures and specific details of how District Quality Control will be conducted for routine operations and maintenance products. [Go to Review Plan]

The Red River Basin Watershed Feasibility Study began in the summer of 2008 with the execution of a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement between the St. Paul District US Army Corps of Engineers, the Minnesota Red River Watershed Management Board and the North Dakota Red River Joint Water Resource District (sponsors). The sponsors will provide 50% of all study costs through non-federal cash and in-kind contributions. The Corps of Engineers funds the remaining 50% of study costs. The study is currently estimated to cost $19,000,000. The study was recommended in the Red River Reconnaissance Study, Section 905(b) (WRDA 1986).
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The project is designed to divert portions of the Roseau River around developed areas for flows exceeding the five year event. A Roseau River flow of 13.3K CFS corresponds to a 100 year event. For this flow, 4.4K CFS will be bypass developed areas through the diversion channel. Storage areas downstream of developed areas are designed to capture and retain peak flows until stages recede. This performance was included to minimize downstream effects of peak flows.
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The Souris River flows from Saskatchewan, Canada, into North Dakota and then back into Canada. The Souris River in the North Dakota cities of Burlington, Minot, Logan, and Sawyer had a flood of record in 2011 with flows of 27,000 cubic feet per second. These flows devastated the communities and caused evacuations of more than 10,000 residents and millions of dollars in damage to private and public property. As a result of the flood, the SRJB, in conjunction with the North Dakota State Water Commission (NDSWC), developed an overall plan for the Souris (Mouse) River Basin to reduce the risk of damages from river flows comparable to the 2011 flood, including development of alignments for new levees, floodwalls, and other flood risk management measures. The plan is referred to as the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project (MREFPP). Implementation will involve a multiple phase effort to construct reaches as funding is available. The MREFPP is not a federally funded
project. [Review Plan]

The city of St. Croix Falls is in the process of replacing its aging wastewater treatment process with emerging wastewater treatment technology. The city’s existing WWTP is over 50 years old. It currently discharges 350,000 gallons of treated wastewater to the St. Croix River daily.
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This study is a single purpose project, the scope of this study includes the entire St. Croix River and connecting tributaries. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s final 2000 biological opinion for the operation and maintenance of the Upper Mississippi River 9-foot navigation channel project concluded that continued O&M, because of zebra and quagga mussels, would jeopardize Higgins eye and result in incidental take of winged mapleleaf. The preliminary estimated cost of a tentatively selected plan is $10,000,000. Interagency mussel technical experts have produced a list of 27 potential management measures that would likely prevent, minimize, or counteract detrimental effects of Dreissenid mussel infestations on winged mapleleaf mussels. They are generally grouped into categories: Measures to directly conserve winged mapleleaf and measures to manage Dreissenid mussels.
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This Procedural Review Plan is intended to ensure quality of reviews by the St. Paul District for requests to alter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works projects within the St. Paul District’s area of responsibility. The plan provides the review guidelines associated with the alteration requests to Title 33 of U.S. Code 408, commonly referred to as Section 408, that are routine, typically of small size, not complex, and have minimal impacts or no impacts to Corps civil works projects. 
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The overall purpose of the Stillwater Flood and Retaining Wall Project is to provide erosion and flood control protection to the City of Stillwater. The extent of the project is 2000‐feet of riverfront, which is primarily a city park and open space, along the St. Croix River in the heart of downtown Stillwater. The primary essence of the project is to protect and stabilize the existing retaining wall system that provides shoreline stabilization to the riverfront park and to minimize/reduce the extent of flooding in the historic downtown area. [Go to review plan]
Pool 9 is part of the 9-foot channel project on the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) and was created in 1938 by the construction of Lock and Dam 9. The Harpers Slough study area is a backwater complex located primarily on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River in Pool 9, about 3 miles upstream of Lock and Dam 9 between river miles 665 and 650. The study area is adjacent to the navigation channel and lies in the Harpers Slough Closed Area of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The project area is around 4,150 acres and is a complex of islands, backwaters, and sloughs. The habitat concerns within the study area center around the general degradation of habitat quality in lower Pool 9. This degradation is the result of the loss of islands, declining bathymetric diversity, and a decline in aquatic vegetation over the past few decades.
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The McGregor Lake Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project (HREP) is located on the Wisconsin side of the Upper Mississippi River in middle Pool10, near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin (Executive Figure 1). The project area under consideration within this Problem Appraisal Repmt (PAR) includes McGregor Lake (approximately 200 acres) and the adjacent island and secondary channel habitat that makes a discrete island complex constrained between the Mississippi River main channel, and the East Channel (total project area approximately 1,000 acres). The site lies within the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge.

Major habitat concerns for the project area include poor fish overwintering habitat conditions, sedimentation, island erosion and potential break through of east channel flows into McGregor Lake, vegetation loss, and reduced floodplain forest conditons. The project goals are to improve and maintain quality lacustrine backwater habitat, pruticularly for overwintering fish; increase emergent and submergent vegetation growth; increase age and species diversity of floodplain forest; protect aquatic and terrestrial habitat fi·om erosion. [Go to review plan]

Lower Pool 10 and Backwater Complex covers approximately 1,000 acres of backwaters, side channels, and island habitats. The proposed project area is just upstream of Lock and Dam 10. This area is lies entirely on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge lands.

The primary resource problems include: loss of islands, sedimentation and altered river hydrology. These problems have led to degraded aquatic, waterfowl and wetland ecosystem structures and functions. Potential project features to address these problems include: new islands construction, protect and stabilize existing islands, overwintering excavation, and reforestation.

[Review Plan and Approval Memorandums]

Conway Lake is a 235-acre backwater lake located about 3 miles upstream of Lansing, Iowa. The lake is approximately 1.5 miles long and 1/4 mile wide. Zoll Lake is a 140-acre isolated lake northeast of Conway Lake. Shore Slough, which abuts the lake to the south, is a 102-acre backwater slough that is about 1.7 miles long. Phillipi Lake is 332-acres and is located downstream and slightly riverward of Conway Lake. Phillipi Lake is generally defined by Conway Lake, Middle Slough running along the eastern side ofthe lake, and Shore Slough to the west. The areas are bounded on the west by the Soo Line Railroad embankment and on the east by floodplain lands in the Lansing Big Lake Bottoms. The site lies within the Upper MississippiRiver tational Wildlife and Fish Refuge. During times of normal pool levels, ponway Lake becomes land-locked and there ts very httle water flow through the lake. After high water events, fish are trapped in the lake. Low dissolved oxygen levels occur in late summer and winter, creating unsuitable fish habitat. Shallow depths and high fertility cause excessive aquattc plant growth in about 90% of the lake. [Go to Review Plan]

Pigs Eve Lake is a 628-acre, shallow backwater lake. situated southeast of St. Paul, Minnesota. within Pool 2 of the Mississippi River. Pool 2 extends approximately 33 miles upstream from Lock and Dam 2 at Hastings, Minn., (river mile 815. 2) to Lock and Dam 1 (Ford Dam) at Minneapolis. Minn. The Minnesota River joins the Mississippi River at the upper end of Pool 2. The project is within the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, established by Congress to protect, preserve, and enhance the nationally significant resources of this reach of the Mississippi River. The project area is directly adjacent to one of the largest nesting sites tor colonial water birds within the state. Several species of herons, egrets, and cormorants nest in the rookery. Battle Creek flows into the north end of Pigs Eye Lake. [Go to Review Plan]

North and Sturgeon Lakes are large backwater complexes located in Pool 3 of the Upper Mississippi River, west of the navigation channel between River miles 798 and 805. North and Sturgeon Lakes are separated from the Vermillion River flowage in the upper end of the project area by elevated railroad tracks and by Prairie Island in the lower end. The Gores Wildlife Management Area (Minnesota State) is located just upstream of the project area. The land separating the lakes from the main channel is floodplain forest and much of it is set aside for the exclusive use of the Prairie Island Indian Community. Water typically flows from the 1,300-acre North Lake to the 1,000-acre Sturgeon Lake and reenters the main channel at the outlet of Sturgeon Lake near River mile 798, about one mile upstream of Lock and Dam 3.

Major habitat concerns for North and Sturgeon Lakes are sedimentation, island dissection, vegetation loss, and reduced depth for overwintering fish. A significant loss of emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation has occurred throughout North and Sturgeon Lakes. Flood effects, erosion from waves, and resuspension of fine sediments caused by continual inundation have reduced the fish and wild life value of these areas, which once provided outstanding waterfowl use and overwintering for fish. The project goals are to restore and maintain quality habitat for all native and desirable plant, animal, and fish species as well as enhance the sediment transport and deposition regime and distribution of water flows across the Mississippi River floodplain.

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Sedimentation and sediment resuspension have caused a loss in water depth diversity of the backwater lakes and isolated wetlands above Lake Pepin as well as a loss in aquatic vegetation. Concerns over habitat deficiencies in Upper Pool 4 include reduced habitat diversity and quality, lack of aquatic vegetation and invertebrates, and reduced abundance of fish and wildlife. [Review Plan]

Weaver Bottoms project covers approximately 5,500 acres lake dominated by open water. It is just above Minneiska, Minnesota in lower pool 5. This area lies within the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. It is a large open water bounded bv the main channel on the east and south and the Minnesota mainland on the north and west.

The primary resource problems include: loss of islands, sedimentation and altered river hydrology. The lake is now a wide expanse of shallow water with little habitat diversity. These problems have led to degraded and loss of aquatic plant beds used by migratory waterfowl and a loss overwintering areas for fish and wildlife nursery habitat. Potential project features to address these problems include: new islands construction, reforestation and excavating for overwintering and bathymetric diversity. These features would protect, enhance and restore about 3,650 acres of wetland and floodplain habitat.

[Review Plan and Approval Memorandums]

Aquatic ecosystem restoration is a primary mission of the USACE Civil Works program and is defined as achieving a IIreturn of natural areas or ecosystems to a close approximation of their" conditions prior to disturbance, or to less degraded, more natural conditionsll. In some circumstances, as at Capoli Slough, a return to predisturbance conditions may not be feasible. In those instances, lithe goal is to partially or fully reestablish the attributes of a naturally functioning and self-regulating system." The goal of this project is to return the Capoli Slough area ecosystem to less degraded, more natural conditions by restoring natural functions and processes. [Go to Review Plan]

Lake Winneshiek Islands project covers approximately 3.400 acres of backwaters are located on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River navigation channel: in lower pool 9. The proposed project area is about 4 miles downstream of Lansing, Iowa, and just upstream of Ferryville. Wisconsin. This area lies within the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. It is a large open water expanse bordered on the southwest by remnant islands separating it from the main channel and on the northeast by the Wisconsin shoreline. [Review Plan and Approval Memorandums]

The Wild Rice Watershed District requested an alteration which involves relocation of a portion of a Judicial Ditch 51 (JD 51) channel which  was improved in the early 1950's as part of the authorized Marsh River flood control  project, (also referred to as the Wild Rice/Marsh River channelization project). The original project consisted of improved channels through a flood-prone area, in addition to a dike and gated culvert built along the Wild Rice River to control flow from the Wild Rice River into the Marsh River (also known as Judicial Ditch 51, or JD 51). The channel was designed to pass the 1 0-year flood, contained within the channel banks. The layout of the existing project is shown on Figure 1. [Review Plan]
The St. Croix Headwaters Watershed Feasibility Study began in October 2007 with the execution of a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement between the St. Paul District US Army Corps of Engineers and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WisDNR). WisDNR will provide 50% of all study costs through non-federal work-in-kind contributions. The objective of the Headwaters study will be to prepare a plan for watershed management and resulting aquatic ecosystem protection and restoration. Federal interest in the Headwaters Watershed is based on the potential benefits of improved watershed management and aquatic ecosystem restoration in the basin. It also is important for meeting downstream habitat and water quality goals of the St. Croix River.
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