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    bullet DOT News   more news...  
  Traffic Pattern Change on US Route 4 in Chichester
October 28, 2016
  Traffic pattern change on US Route 4 in Chichester at the intersection with King Road is scheduled to occur during the week of October 31, 2016.
  Northbound Ramp Opening on I-293 Exit 4 in Manchester
October 24, 2016
  Planned opening of the I-293 northbound on-ramp at Exit 4 in Manchester the morning of Saturday, October 29, 2016..


  bullet Of Interest      
  Learn the proper way to drive the Lee Multi-Lane Roundabout
  Please take our Work Zone Survey
  Ten Year Transportation Plan 2017-2026
  Final Report – NH Capitol Corridor Rail and Transit Study
  Citizen's Guide to the Transportation System
  Programs for Students
  Salt Applicator Certification – Training on 9/30 and 10/5/2015
  2015 Qualified Products List (QPL)
  Memorial to Public Workers
  Focus on Research Newsletter
  Follow Traffic Updates on Twitter!
  Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
  Latest On the Move Newsletter


New Hampshire Department of Transportation | 7 Hazen Drive | Concord, NH
603.271.3734 | 603.271.3914 fax

copyright 2015. State of New Hampshire