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  • Healing Your Mind is as Important as Healing Your Body

    I once took a mental health day at a previous job. I felt overwhelmed and knew the feeling was affecting my life and work, but I remember feeling shy about asking my boss. I wondered what he would think of me for even proposing it. It turned out my boss was OK with it. During one day of sick leave I was able to get a much-needed break. Afterward, I returned to work feeling better and at full mental and physical capacity.

    Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day, a day dedicated in part to reducing the stigma associated with mental health conditions. This day makes me think how our society can perpetuate the problem of stigma by looking at physical and mental health so differently. And sadly, others often look down on those with a desire to maintain or restore mental balance.

    We’ve all had days or weeks where both our personal and work lives became too full and we felt burned out. We continue to work through it because we don’t know how to step back from our responsibilities. That decision may result in mistakes, forgetfulness or impatience with others.

  • Phone Call Makes World of Difference for Combat Veteran

    Laura Davis has seen many happy endings in her time helping service members and veterans as an inTransition coach, but for her, a recent case stands out because she was able to get someone back on his feet and ensure he remained connected to valuable mental health resources.

    The recent case started when a provider referred a veteran to the inTransition program for continued care with his posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). InTransition is designed to pair coaches with service members to maintain their mental health care treatment during changes in status. inTransition coaches are trained to help move service members and veterans between health care systems or providers every step of the way. Coaches bring military culture awareness and experience. Davis is an example; she understands the situations veterans face. Her father served in the military, was deployed to Iraq for Operation Desert Storm in the 1990s, and displayed symptoms of PTSD.

  • Prolonged Exposure: PTSD Therapy That Works

    This infographic highlights the main components of prolonged exposure therapy: education, talking through trauma, real-world practice and breathing.

    Read: Prolonged Exposure: PTSD Therapy That Works

    Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can occur after someone experiences or sees a traumatic event. This distress may be highest when dealing with memories, thoughts, feelings and situations that are related to the trauma.