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Levee Safety Program

Levee Safety Program Logo Levee systems are part of our nation’s landscape and integral to many communities across the nation. They can reduce the impacts of flooding on people, businesses, critical infrastructure and the environment. And, they can buy critical time to evacuate residents from harm’s way. But, it’s important to realize they don’t eliminate risk.

The St. Louis District inspects and assesses 74 federally-authorized and non-federal levee systems. We communicate the risk-related issues and concerns holding life safety paramount, and support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ and local decisions aimed at reducing and managing risk.

Levee system sponsors and local communities are important partners and have a key leadership role in properly operated and maintained levees, implementing emergency response activities, and making floodplain management decisions. This makes it important for the levee system sponsor and community to retain a lead role throughout the flood risk management process.

Please use the resources found in the links to research additional information concerning operation and maintenance, levee safety guidance or inquire about various programs the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has to mitigate risk to the levee and the communities within the leveed area. If there are changes in personnel within the levee district, you may submit updates in the “Contact Us” section. 

Flood risk and levee conditions change, so it’s important to continuously assess the risk in the floodplain to residents and businesses —because life safety is paramount.

We engage in several key activities as part of our Levee Safety Program’s risk management process—assess, communicate and manage.

Key Levee Safety Activities
Key Levee Safety Activities
