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Public Notices by Year


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LRH 2016-123-MUS - 10/13/2016: The Bank Sponsor has submitted a prospectus to the Corps’ Huntington District to establish and manage one (1) stream and wetland mitigation bank known as the Buffalo Fork Mitigation Bank.
Expiration date: 11/11/2016


LRH 2015-840-WAL - 10/5/2016: The applicant has requested authorization for the proposed discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States associated with the Six Mile Dam Removal Project.
Expiration date: 10/20/2016


LRH 2015-890-TUG - 9/28/2016: The applicant proposes to discharge 28.3 cubic yards of fill material (durable, non-toxic and non-acid producing sandstone and shale rock) into a total of 480 linear feet of a stream during installation of a rock underdrain system in preparation for constructing the 53-acre Millseat Refuse Facility 2 project.
Expiration date: 10/28/2016


LRH 2016-114-HOC - 9/16/2016: The applicant has requested a Department of the Army permit to discharge dredged and/or fill material into 1,263 linear feet of jurisdictional streams, 2.51 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, and 0.29 acre of jurisdictional open water impoundment associated with construction, operation and reclamation of the applicant’s Johnson Run Mining Area Project.
Expiration date: 10/17/2016


LRH-2014-746-MUS - 9/13/2016: Description of Proposed Work : The applicant has requested a Department of the Army permit to discharge dredged and/or fill material into 0.22 acre of one (1) wetland and 4,448 linear feet (lf) or 0.2 acre of waters of the U.S. associated with the construction, operation and reclamation of the proposed Cannon Reserve Surface Mine (CRSM). The discharge of fill material is needed to construct a temporary sediment pond and for the normal progression of surface mining operations.
Expiration date: 10/14/2016


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