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Public Notices by Year


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LRH-2008-1104-GUY - 1/23/2012: The applicant is requesting authorization to discharge fill material into nine jurisdictional waters of the U.S. in conjunction with the construction of one valley fill, one mine-through area, two sediment ponds, and two road fills. The proposed impacts are associated with the proposed 554.45 acre Piney Branch Surface Mine.
Expiration date: 2/22/2012


LRH-2008-562-GUY - 1/11/2012: The purpose of this public notice is to inform you of the availability of a compensatory mitigation plan (CMP) required for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (U.S.) associated with Huff Creek Surface Mine.
Expiration date: 2/10/2012


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