Recently Announced Projects

Recent Projects

Audit of Sole-Source Spare Parts Procured for F402 Engines (Project No. D2016-D000AH-0154.000)

We plan to begin the subject audit in May 2016. Our objective is to determine whether the Defense Logistics Agency is purchasing sole-source spare parts at fair and reasonable prices for F402 engines in support of AV-8B Harrier II aircraft.

Audit of the Department of the Air Force Working Capital Fund Basic Financial Statements for Fiscal Years Ending September 30, 2016, and September 30, 2015 (Project No D2016-D000FT-0121.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in April 2016. The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, as amended, requires this audit. In accordance with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the DoD Office of Inspector General is the principal auditor for the Department of the Air Force Working Capital Fund Basic Financial Statements. Our audit objective is to determine whether the Air Force Working Capital Fund Basic Financial Statements as of September 30, 2016, and September 30, 2015, taken as a whole, were presented fairly, in all material respects, and in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In addition, we will determine whether these principles were consistently applied. We will review the Air Force Working Capital Fund Consolidated Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2016, and September 30, 2015, and the related Consolidated Statement of Net Cost, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position, Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources, and related notes. We will also review the Required Supplementary Information and Other Accompanying Information. In addition, we will review internal controls related to the reliability of financial reporting and compliance with laws and regulations that apply to these financial statements.
Audit of the Department of the Navy’s Working Capital Fund Inventory (Project No. D2016-D000FS-0146.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in May 2016. Our objective is to determine whether the Department of the Navy can provide a reconcilable and complete universe of transactions to support the Navy Working Capital Fund Inventory.
Audit of U.S. Special Operations Command Reporting of General Property, Plant, and Equipment (Project No. D2016-D000FP-0158.000
We plan to begin the subject audit in May 2016. Our objective is to determine whether U.S. Special Operations Command accurately reported general property, plant, and equipment on its financial statements.
Contract Oversight for the Audit of the Defense Information Systems Agency General Fund and Working Capital Fund Financial Statements for FY 2016 (Project No. D2016-D000FL-0157.000)
We plan to begin the subject oversight immediately. The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, requested an audit of the Defense Information Systems Agency General Fund and Working Capital Fund Financial Statements (Financial Statements) for FY 2016, and we contracted with the independent public accounting firm of Acuity Consulting, Inc. (Acuity) to complete that audit. The objective of the audit is to determine whether the Financial Statements and related note disclosures were fairly presented in all material respects and in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
DoD Cybersecurity Weaknesses as Reported in Audit Reports Issued From August 1, 2015, Through July 31, 2016 (Project No. D2016-D000RB-0139.000)
We plan to begin the subject project in May 2016. Our objective is to summarize cybersecurity weaknesses identified in audit reports and testimonies issued by the DoD audit community and the Government Accountability Office between August 1, 2015, and July 31, 2016.
Followup Audit on DoD IG Report No. DODIG-2015-095, "Small Business Contracting at Regional Contracting Office-National Capital Region Needs Improvement," March 20, 2015 (Project No. D2016-D000CF-0155.000)
We plan to begin the subject audit in May 2016. Our objective is to determine whether the Marine Corps Regional Contracting Office-National Capital Region implemented the recommendations in DoD IG Report No. DODIG-2015-095 as agreed.

View Final Report
Investigation of an Allegation that DoD Officials Conveyed Inaccurate or Misleading Information to Congress Concerning the Site Selection Process for the RAF Croughton, UK, Joint Intelligence Analyses Complex
At the request of six House of Representatives Committee Chairmen, we have opened an investigation into allegations that DoD officials intentionally conveyed inaccurate or misleading information to Congress in connection with the selection of RAF Croughton, United Kingdom, as the location for a Joint Intelligence Analyses Complex (JIAC).
Assessment of U.S./Coalition Efforts to Enable the Afghan Ministry of Defense to Develop its Oversight and Internal Control Capability
We plan to begin the subject assessment immediately. Our objective is to determine whether U.S. Government and Coalition Train-Advise-Assist efforts will enable the Afghan Ministry of Defense (MoD) and subordinate organizations to develop a Transparency Accountability and Oversight (TAO) capability that helps the MoD to run efficient and effective operations, report reliable information about its operations, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. We will consider suggestions from management on additional or revised objectives for future assessments.
Announcement of External Peer Review of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (Project No. D2016-DAPOCM-0122.000)
The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, Audit Policy and Oversight will perform an external peer review of Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). We will begin the review in May 2016. Our objective is to determine whether the DCAA’s system of quality control was suitably designed and whether the audit organization is complying with its quality control system to provide it with reasonable assurance of conformity with the applicable professional standards. Government Auditing Standards require that an audit organization performing audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards have an appropriate internal quality control system and undergo an external quality control review every three years by an organization that is independent of the organization being reviewed.

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