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Deploying to Afghanistan

The USACE team in Afghanistan executes quality and timely construction and engineering operations throughout Afghanistan in support of Resolute Support; provides sustainable development projects for the Afghan people that employ the populace, build skilled human capital and promote the future stability of Afghanistan.

On order, the district provides sustainable development projects for the Afghan people that employ the local populace, build skilled human capital and promote the future stability of the nation. For information on how to apply for Afghanistan deployment opportunities, click here.

Transatlantic Division Afghanistan District

The USACE district in Afghanistan (TAA) constructs facilities that contribute to the fielding of Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police units – referred to as Afghan National Security Forces. The district is constructing provincial and district police headquarters facilities, regional administration buildings for the Ministry of Interior, training areas, army bases, hospitals, and joint regional compounds. The program also includes teaching the Afghans how to operate and maintain their facilities, thus enabling them to ensure their facilities remain mission ready.

In addition, the USACE district is completing projects funded through the Afghan Infrastructure Fund, an authority granted by Congress in the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act to provide funding for water, power and transportation projects that support the counterinsurgency strategy and provide facilities that improve the lives of Afghan citizens. Projects include power plants, transmission lines and substations, hydropower and water supply.

TAA will be seeking Area Engineers in Fall 2015 and numerous Resident Engineer positions through the duration of TAA.

At times, shorter deployments of 90-120 days may be available as part of surge teams. Interested USACE employees should contact their local Deployment Coordination Administrator to learn more about the availability of these opportunities.

Common Types of Positions

The following are examples of commonly needed positions at the Transatlantic Afghanistan District:

  • Project Engineers - These positions are typically civil, mechanical, electrical,  or general engineering positions. They're responsible for the enforcement of contract requirements for all assigned contracts. They request proposals and estimates and negotiate with contractors and makes recommendations to the Contracting Officer and Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) for resolution of numerous modifications to original contracts. They are able to utilize the three phase inspection process.
  • Office Engineers - These positions are usually filled by civil, mechanical, electrical, or general engineers. Office engineers work in a construction office preparing change orders/modifications, scopes of work, and government estimates. They analyze contractor proposals for fairness and reasonableness. They conduct negotiations with contractors and prepare written narratives of negotiations.
  • Construction Representatives  - These positions read, understand, and communicate engineering plans and specifications and contractor designed drawings. They prepare daily quality assurance reports, payment estimates, and contract correspondence. Construction representatives conduct daily onsite quality assurance inspections of construction work in progress to determine adherence to approved designs, including assurance that materials and workmanship are acceptable.
  • Program Managers  - Program managers either direct or personally perform duties such as establishing, scheduling and monitoring programming, planning, design, construction and procurement actions to ensure project completion in accordance with established standards.
  • Project Managers - Project managers are responsible for overall management, coordination, and execution of assigned projects. The project manager negotiates and integrates functions such as planning, design, cost engineering, construction real estate, and contracting into a comprehensive management plan for the project.

For a current list of openings in Afghanistan, click here.