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Sediment/Nutrient Transport

IIS Sediment and Nutrient Management Services

Under the United States Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes Sediment Transport Modeling Program (GLSTM) (516e), the Buffalo District has been developing sediment transport models and performing watershed assessments for a number of years. These services have been used to assist state and local agencies with the planning and implementation of measures for soil conservation and nonpoint source pollution prevention. Models can be developed at all tributaries to the Great Lakes that discharge into a federal navigation channel or an Area of Concern (AOC’s). The ultimate goal of the GLSTM Program is to enhance Great Lakes water quality, help delist Great Lakes AOC’s and reduce the need for navigation dredging.

The program has been a great success for the Corps of Engineers. We have worked with thousands of people all over the Great Lakes Basin and have helped answer a lot of questions in regards to sediment and nutrient transport. Our team here at the Buffalo District has a wealth of experience and a great deal of time spent researching the Great Lakes sediment and nutrient issues. That is why we are excited to share our new IIS service for aspects associated with sediment and nutrient transport. We now have the ability to take our already successful GLSTM program that provides services for assessing, diagnosing, and modeling watersheds, and expand to the next levels to help solve sediment and nutrient management issues. Our team at the Buffalo District has the ability to design and construct solutions to sediment and nutrient management.

The GLSTM program is 100% federally funded, so we can assess, diagnose, and model any qualifying tributary. We welcome any federal, state, or local agency that is interested in sediment and nutrient management to take advantage of this service. Once we have the watershed assessed, through our IIS program, we now have a means to design and construct sediment and nutrient management solution!

Buffalo Districts IIS Sediment and Nutrient Services include:

  • Comprehensive Project Management
  • Master Planning
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Contract Acquisition and Administration

If you would like more information about our GLSTM Program, please call Mike Voorhees, the Buffalo District Program Manager. 716-879-4488 or Michael.E.Voorhees@usace.army.mil.

If you would like more information on what our IIS program can do to help get sediment and nutrient management solutions designed and built, please contact our IIS Coordinator, Brent LaSpada. 716-879-4446 or Brent.R.LaSpada@usace.army.mil.