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  • Having Trouble Adjusting To Home Life? Visit’s Enhanced Website


    You’ve been ‘there and back’ a couple of times. Or someone you know has. You’ve learned first-hand that getting back into a routine isn’t easy. Work doesn’t challenge you the way the mission did. At home, everybody seems a little more grown up and doing chores that used to be your responsibility. You haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in days. You feel ‘on edge’ a lot, and your best friend tells you that you need to ‘lighten up.’ You’re drinking more, and spending endless hours in front of the television. You avoid the mall because the crowds bother you. The last time you were there you almost got into a fight. Your kids have given up asking you to go to their ballgames.

    You realize you need to talk to someone, but you feel that talking with a counselor is a sign of weakness, and you don’t want the visit to become part of your permanent record. The Website afterdeployment was built just for you; we encourage you to check it out.

  • "2010 Brain Injury Awareness Day" on Capitol Hill

    Doc Bender in front of the DCoE Booth at "Brain Injury Awareness Day" on Capitol Hill. On Wednesday, March 17, DCoE participated in the “2010 Brain Injury Awareness Day” on Capitol Hill. The day was hosted by the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, which is made up of over 120 bipartisan members. The task force’s mission is to further education and awareness of brain injury – including its incidence, prevalence, prevention and treatment. I was in attendance along with advocacy, professional groups, vendors, many military leaders, and Congressman Bill Pascrell from New Jersey. Events hosted throughout the day included: A brain injury awareness fair An informational briefing entitled “From the Playground to the Pros: A Heads-Up on Concussion” A closing reception celebrating Brain Injury Awareness Month I spent part of the day manning the DCoE booth and answering questions from visitors and also had the chance to talk to ...
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  • Living With TBI

    Ninety percent of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are mild, and most people are able to resume their normal lives. However, some individuals with a mild TBI and those with moderate or severe TBI may have longer-lasting symptoms or life-long symptoms that interfere with daily life. Thankfully, help and treatment options such as community reintegration programs are available for individuals who have experienced a TBI. Living with TBI requires knowledge and work, so as you begin your journey, it might help to prioritize your goals. This means setting goals that you can achieve in the short-term and long-term.  Research studies indicate that good social support from families, friends and other resources is very important in the recovery process for an individual who has sustained a TBI. TBI Community Reintegration Most common models of community reintegration programs following TBI focus on providing help to individuals with moderate to severe TBIs, especially those with ...
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  • Frontline Psych with Doc Bender: About Your Brain

    Dr. James Bender recently returned from Iraq after spending 12 months as the brigade psychologist for the 4-1 CAV out of Ft Hood. He served for four and a half years in the Army. During his deployment, he traveled through Southern Iraq, from Basra to Baghdad and many spots in between. He writes a monthly post for the DCoE Blog on health issues related to deployment and being in the military. Doc Bender on top of the Ziggurat of Ur in Southern Iraq, in February 2009. Hi. March is Traumatic Bain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month, so I thought I’d talk about your brain. A TBI is any injury to the brain from an outside source. Some examples of ways one can experience a TBI are hitting your head during a motor vehicle crash, getting knocked out while playing a sport, or getting “your bell rung” during an improvised explosive device ...
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  • Participate in DCoE’s Monthly Webinar on Sports, the Military and Recurrent Concussion

    Interested in learning how the military is working with the sports world to better understand recurrent concussion? Don’t miss our webinar next Thursday, March 25 on Sports, the Military and Recurrent Concussion, from 1300 to 1500 hrs EST. The webinar will address the emerging science surrounding recurrent concussion and collaborations between the sports and military communities as both work to change the clinical guidelines and cultures surrounding these injuries. All service members, family members, government employees, health care providers, subject matter experts and anyone interested in this topic are encouraged to join. To register for this event or for more information e-mail us at: Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested. *Check out our recent post, “DCoE, Football Players Spread the Message about Concussions.”
  • Passion to Serve

    Rosalinda Babin and son, Cpl. Alan Babin, Jr. Rosalinda shares her story with DCoE Blog readers about her son, a combat medic who was severely wounded during battle in Iraq, and the challenges and triumphs their family has experienced along this incredibly brave journey they’ve all been on together. On March 31, 2003, our son, Cpl. Alan Babin, Jr., a combat medic with the 82nd Airborne Division, was wounded in Iraq as he rushed to aid an injured paratrooper. Alan’s injuries and resulting brain injury have changed the course of our son’s and our family’s lives forever. Unlikely to survive evacuation to Germany, Alan not only made it off the battlefield alive, but his doctors are astounded by the progress he’s made since then. Alan has undergone more than 70 operations, including five brain surgeries; contracted meningitis; suffered a stroke; and was an inpatient for more than two and one-half ...