Naval Enterprise Networks Mobile Device Plan Updated

Published, September 16, 2014

By the end of 2014 the Naval Enterprise Networks (NEN) program office (PMW-205) expects to provide current approved mobile cellular device users with the option of utilizing iOS and Android devices. This decision resulted from limited pilots to test alternative mobile cellular devices and Defense Information Systems Agency's (DISA) certification of iOS and Android devices for use on the Navy Marine Corps Intranet.

The DISA-approved devices include iPhone 5c and 5s, the iPad Air, and Samsung Galaxy S4. Other devices will be added to the "approved for use" list once they are certified for use on the network by DISA and the Navy accreditation authority.

This plan applies to users that are approved by their local command organization to have a mobile cellular device to conduct official business on NMCI. iOS and Android devices will be available through the DON wireless contract. NMCI email and other services will be available for order by the end of the year. Current mobile cellular device users are not required to move to a new device at the present time.

In addition to the same voice and NMCI email capability available today, the initial capability offering for the new devices will include access to some native phone applications as approved by the Navy certification authority. The NEN program office is working with a number of other Navy organizations as well as DISA to review Navy and Department of Defense (DoD) "apps" that will be available through approved distribution processes as they are solidified.

Additional information about the NEN mobile cellular device plan will be made available via NMCI Homeport, including details on how to request iOS, Android and other devices, as developments occur.

TAGS: Telecommunications, Wireless

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