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For Immediate Concerns

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or contact your local hospital right away.

If you are feeling distressed or hopeless, thinking about death or wanting to die, or, if you are concerned about someone who may be suicidal, please contact:

  • Suicide Prevention Lifelineat 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Military One Source at 1-800-342-9647
  • The Defense Center of Excellence (DCoE) at 1-866-966-1020
  • Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline at 1-800-984-8523  

Local Wellness/Readiness Coordinators

North Atlantic Division: 347-370-4581

New England District: 978-318-8504

New York District: 917-790-8015

Philadelphia District: 215-656-6871

Baltimore District: 410-962-0771

Norfolk District:  757-201-7410

Europe District: 011-49-611-9744-2471

NAD Wellness

A Soldier receives an award with his family standing by his side.The health and well being of our USACE Family is vital to ensuring mission success, including the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and family health. These are the cornerstones of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program, which helps build resilience - from combat, family separation, or risk of loss - in Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members.

Take the assessment here: http://www.army.mil/csf/

Please read our commander's memo about the importance of serving in an Overseas Contingency Operation.  


Recent Events

The Army now offers strength-based, positive psychology tools to aid Soldiers, Leaders and Families in their ability to bounce back from adversity. Training and information is targeted to all phases of the Soldier support system. Read more about Resilience Research and Training. 


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