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Home > Missions > Environmental > Ecosystem Restoration  > Integrated Delivery Schedule

Integrated Delivery Schedule

everglades photosA formal re-evaluation of the Integrated Delivery Schedule (IDS) is underway.  

The updated Integrated Delivery Schedule  will provide the sequencing of federally cost-shared Everglades restoration projects.  It will provide the sequencing strategy for planning, designing, and constructing federal projects cost-shared with local sponsors as part of the Central and Southern Florida Projects (C&SF), based on ecosystem needs, benefits, costs and available funding.

A series of public workshops are being sponsored by the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force Working Group to facilitate public participation in the IDS update. The Task Force will provide feedback from these workshops to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District during the IDS update.

Additional information on the Task Force’s Working Group-sponsored public workshop is available at: http://www.evergladesrestoration.gov/content/ids.html




A formal re-evaluation of the Integrated Delivery Schedule (IDS) was completed in 2015.

Previous Meetings

Project Documents