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Civil Works

The Corps’ civil works program focuses on responsible development, protection and restoration of the nation’s water and land resources.

The district has 20 flood risk reduction lakes that also provide recreation—eight in Kentucky, eight in Indiana and four in Ohio. The reservoirs help to minimize flood damages with levees and floodwalls as part of locally- maintained flood protection systems.

The district operates eight navigation locks and dams on the Ohio River and two on the Green River. Several of the district’s navigation locks such as McAlpine Locks and Dam in Louisville serve as a base for generating hydroelectric power and more are under construction or planned. The navigation system saves Americans money because it’s cheaper to move commerce in bulk on the river.

The Corps also enhances states’ economies by providing jobs through its construction projects and by minimizing flood damage costs with flood damage reduction projects.

The district also issues permits through its regulatory department under the Clean Water Act.

The Corps conducts disaster relief with Kentucky for state emergencies.

Environmental restoration is another key area for the district, for example, on the Green River where the Corps continues to partner with environmental groups such as The Nature Conservancy.