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Image of Facebook logo Join our Facebook community of 4,514 fans and counting - we post about our mission and share those random fun finds. Image of Slideshare logo Slideshare. We're new here, getting to know the lay of the land, but the vision is to share our presentations with you here.
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Yes, we tweet -- and we really shine when our community needs us most. During Hurricane Sandy, we shared info, tips and more. Image of CNN iReport logo
If it's big and it's news, it'll be here. Everyone needs their 15-minutes, right?
Image of YouTube logo
We've made a video or two in our time. These videos about our mission and projects aren't too shabby, if we do say so ourselves. Image of LinkedIn logo Connect with us - professionally - at LinkedIn.
Image of Vimeo logo
We get it. You go against the grain. You're unique. Come check our videos on Vimeo, you hipster, you. Image of Google plus logo The White House joined Google+ right after we did, once again proving we're awesome trend-setters.
Image of Flickr logo
We've been called snap-happy. On Flickr, you can find photographic proof of that, as well as photos of our projects and people.



Public Affairs Office

“Public Affairs fulfills the Army’s obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed, and helps to establish conditions that lead to confidence in America’s Army in its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war.” FM 46-1

The Public Affairs Office is the initial contact for the public and the media for information about the Norfolk District and its programs, policies, operations and activities. The Public Affairs Office manages the District’s Public Information, Command Information and Community Relations programs. Public Affairs specialists serve in direct support of the District’s Public Affairs programs, each responsible for specific geographic and functional areas. Public Affairs staff members prepare information products for both internal and external audiences. The Public Affairs Office supports the District in a wide variety of other activities, including the management of the District’s Web presence.
Norfolk District
Public Affairs Office
803 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510