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Ecosystem Restoration

everglades photosThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a long history of maintaining the nation's waterways, but only in the last two decades has the Corps taken its knowledge of routing water and applied it towards ecosystem restoration. The Ecosystem Branch oversees the planning, design, construction and management of ecosystem restoration projects in Florida, Puerto Rico, and other U. S. territories in the Caribbean Islands.

The majority of ongoing restoration projects are located in south Florida, including the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) and the Central and Southern Florida projects such as C-111 South Dade and Kissimmee River Restoration. Because these projects are some of the first ecosystem restoration projects undertaken by the Corps, the Jacksonville District leads the way in ecosystem restoration and adaptive management. A key component of successful ecosystem restoration projects is the use of interagency teams during the planning process and continued communication during execution. The Ecosystem Branch is proud to be the Jacksonville District's representative on the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force and utilizes this position to continue to inform other agencies regarding ongoing activities.

For additional background information on the Corps' Everglades restoration efforts, visit: www.evergladesrestoration.gov/



Since inception of the Central & Southern Florida (C&SF) project, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has invested $2.3 billion to date into ecosystem restoration in south Florida through congressional appropriations.

Learn more here


What's New

Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Project

Western Everglades Restoration Project

Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project

C-111 South Dade Project

G-3273 & S-356 Pump Station Field Test

RECOVER  [REstoration, COordination & VERification]

Kissimmee River Restoration Project

CERP Quality Assurance Oversight Team (QAOT)

Everglades Restoration Transition Plan (ERTP)

Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area Project

CERP Report to Congress

Loxahatchee River Watershed Restoration Project

Water Conservation Area-3 (WCA-3) High Water Deviation

Indian River Lagoon-South C-44 Reservoir & Stormwater Treatment Area (STA)

  • Nov. 20, 2015: Corps breaks ground on reservoir for Everglades project

Central Everglades Planning Project

Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) Regional Study


STAY INFORMED! To receive e-notices on the latest Everglades restoration news from the Corps, send your request to: jennifer.s.miller@usace.army.mil

Ecosysystem Restoration Photos