Institute for Water Resources

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Corps Responses to Climate Change website

The Responses to Climate Change website provides information about how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is addressing how the portfolio of USACE Civil Works water resources infrastructure and programs could be affected by climated change. On this site you can learn more about USACE responses to climate change, climate change adaptation, research underway, and tools like the sea-level rise calculator.

Climate and Global Change

There is increasing concern among the public and the scientific community about climate change. Understanding the potential impacts to both natural and man-made systems is critical to the Corps, especially as we plan today for water resources that will be sustainable in the future and make permit decisions that will affect development trends and the waters of the United States. The most important influences of climate change on Corps missions are changes in temperature; changes in precipitation quantity, intensity and form (snow vs. rain); and changes in sea levels, winds and wave patterns.