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Mission and Vision

Mission:  Deliver value to the Nation by anticipating needs and collaboratively engineering solutions that support national security, energize our economy and increase resiliency.

Vision:  A team of professionals making tomorrow better.



Who We Are


What We Do

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is comprised of approximately 37,000 civilian and 650 military men and women. Our diverse, multi-disciplinary team of professionals is dedicated to meeting the needs of the Armed Forces and the nation. 

Jacksonville District, established in 1884, is the second largest civil works district in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, with an area of responsibility that encompasses Florida and the Caribbean. We provide quality planning, engineering, construction and operations products and services in: 

  • Environmental restoration
  • Flood risk reduction
  • Navigation
  • Regulatory permits
  • Hurricane and storm damage reduction
  • Emergency response and recovery

Jacksonville District:

  • Leads the Corps’ single largest ecosystem restoration project – the restoration of America’s Everglades
  • Annually processes an average of 10,000 Regulatory actions, more than any other Corps district
  • Constructed, operates and maintains more than 30 percent of the nation’s total shore protection projects and more than 125 miles of renourished   beaches
  • Is building Portugues Dam in Puerto Rico, the Corps’ first single-centered Roller Compacted Concrete thick arch dam

Our projects:

  • Ensure navigable harbors and channels
  • Reduce flood risks
  • Restore ecosystems
  • Protect wetlands
  • Stabilize shorelines
  • Provide recreational opportunities
  • Respond to natural disasters and emergencies