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Home > Missions > Civil Works > Program and Project Management > MKARNS 12' Channel Deepening

MKARNS 12' Channel Deepening

MKARNS 12 foot channelLocation and Description: The McClellan-Kerr Navigation System (MKARNS) is located in the States of Arkansas and Oklahoma. This project would deepen the navigation channel to a minimum depth of 12 feet throughout the MKARNS.

Construction Status: There are no remaining funds on this project and all work has ceased. In addition, work will not resume until the project receives (1) a “new start” designation, (2) construction general funds, and (3) cost shared funding (50/50) from the Inland Waterways Trust Fund. This project was not included in the fiscal year 2012 appropriations, or in the 2013 President’s budget. The total project cost is currently estimated at $183 million. However, the work can be funded and accomplished in $10 million increments.