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Home > References > Aerial photos

Portland District services

Aerial photography, real estate and enterprise geographic information system services which are provided by the Portland District are detailed on this page. For navigational hydrosurveys and related information, visit our Navigation page.

Mapping and enterprise geographic information systems

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We prepare a wide variety of cartographic mapping and engineering drawing products, and manage contracts, prepare specifications and guidelines, and work with contractors. We also acquire, analyze and interpret aerial photography, satellite imagery, and work with radar (SAR/SLAR) and LIDAR.

We provide services in four distinct technical fields, including:

  • Geographic information systems, including GIS database development and analytical support.
  • Land surveying, including applications of GPS and EDM technology.
  • Photogrammetric mapping and generation of digital terrain models, digital orthophotography, topographic contours and cross-sections.
  • Cartographic mapping and related products.

(503) 808-4856
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
Attention: CENWP-EC-TG
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, OR 97208-2946

Aerial photographs

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The Portland District has been collecting aerial photographs of the Pacific Northwest since 1929. We typically have aerial coverage from 1936 through 2004. Our aerial coverage includes the vast majority of Oregon's urban areas. This coverage also includes commercial, residential, agricultural, recreational and industrial properties along the majority of navigable waterways.


Our collection contains a wide variety of film types and scales. We have about 275,000 aerial images maintained by well-designed indexing system. Our collection increases yearly with new Corps projects and missions.

Customers are charged a fee for the time involved to aid in searching and retrieving the required photos. The fee is $40 per hour ($20 per half-hour) plus the cost of any copies ($5.00 per scan for digital copies or the commercial rate for photo enlargements).


For more information about aerial photos, including requests, e-mail us at cenwp-ec-cr-r@usace.army.mil, or write to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, OR 97208-2946


Following these instructions are the best way to get a timely, quality photo product, and are required to determine what you need. Click here for a print-friendly version of these instructions (.pdf).

Create a PDF map of your Area of Interest (required)

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the National Map Viewer: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/viewer/
  2. Zoom to an Area of Interest (AOI) using the map navigation tools (or with the mouse). Note: You can select the type of base map with the buttons at the top right of the interface. Choose “Topo” or “Imagery Topo” for your submission.
  3. Select the Annotation Tab and press the Draw Rectangle button. Use your mouse to draw a rectangle identifying your AOI.
  4. Fill in the Map Markup dialogue box with the following parameters:
    1. New Layer:  AOI
    2. Annotation Name:  AOI
    3. Fill Style:  No Fill
    4. Outline Color:  Red
    5. Outline Style:  Solid
    6. Rotation Angle: 0
    7. Outline Size:  3
    8. Press the Draw Button
  5. Create a PDF of your map by pressing the Print button in the top right corner of the interface. In the Save As dialogue box, choose PDF and press Next. Add Map Title and Notes as necessary. Press the Print Map button. Once the PDF is generated it will be available for download in the Printing Results. Press the Download button.
  6. The map will open in a new browser tab. Press the Save a Copy button and save the PDF with an appropriate name. Press the Save button.
  7. If a location map is necessary to provide further context to your AOI, zoom the map out so that your AOI is shown in context of other distinguishable features and repeat Steps 5 and 6.
  8. Email the maps to: cenwp-ec-cr-r@usace.army.mil

Following these instructions are the best way to get a timely, quality photo product, and are required to determine what you need. Click here for a print-friendly version of these instructions (.pdf).

Create a KML (Google Earth) or Shapefile (GIS) of your Area of Interest (optional but encouraged)

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the National Map Viewer: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/viewer/
  2. Zoom to your Area of Interest (AOI) using the map navigation tools (or using the mouse). Note: You can select the type of base map with the buttons at the top right of the interface. Choose “Topo” or “Imagery Topo” and submit.
  3. Select the Annotation Tab and press the Draw Rectangle button. Use the mouse to draw a rectangle showing your AOI.
  4. Fill in the Map Markup dialogue box with the following parameters:
    1. New Layer: AOI
    2. Annotation Name: AOI
    3. Fill Style: No Fill
    4. Outline Color: Red
    5. Outline Style: Solid
    6. Rotation Angle: 0
    7. Outline Size: 3
    8. Press the Draw Button
  5. On the Annotation Tab press the Export Annotations button.
  6. In the Export Annotations dialogue box, choose the desired file format; check the Annotation Layer that you created. Press the Export Button.
  7. Save the file to your hard drive.
  8. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to create the second file format of your AOI.
  9. Email the file(s) to: cenwp-ec-cr-r@usace.army.mil

About Real Estate

The Portland District Real Estate Division is primarily responsible for granting and managing agreements authorizing use of Department of the Army-controlled lands.


For questions about boundaries, real estate rights, real property interests no longer needed to support mission requirements, or anything about use of Corps of Engineers lands within the boundaries of the Portland District , contact the Real Estate Division by phone: 503-808-4672, or by e-mail to:
