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Web, Mobile Technology Helps Military Health Beneficiaries Assess, Improve Mental Health

Breathe2Relax, a mobile app, teaches how to reduce tension by breathing from the diaphragm, a deeper type of breathing that helps to induce a calming response in widely different circumstances. (Courtesy photo)

A typical day in our modern world can involve a considerable amount of stress and anxiety. In an effort to help service members—and their families—better cope with such pressures, the National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2) develops psychological health-based mobile applications and websites. A recent article by the Military Health System Communications Office explores how these tools can help service members and their families.

“The great thing about these applications and web tools is that they allow us to have a much bigger impact with our target population,” said David Cooper, psychologist and mobile applications lead at T2. “For instance, Breathe2Relax has been downloaded more than 300,000 times. I could never see that many patients in my entire scope of practice. The technology and applications we’re developing at T2 are really helping us provide better overall care.” At the same time, physicians note that an app is not a substitute for direct medical care and, if needed, people should seek professional help.

Read the full article from Military Health System Communications Office, “Web, mobile technology helps MHS beneficiaries assess, improve mental health,” on the Military Health System and Defense Health Agency website website.

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