Frequently Asked Questions on Specialty Consultations

Q. What is a specialty consultation?
A specialty consultation is an online or telephonic meeting between eligible individuals and specialists with various areas of expertise.

Q. What types of specialty consultations does Military OneSource offer?
Military OneSource offers specialty consultations for the following categories: Wounded Warrior; Special Needs, Adult and Elder Care; Education; Adoption; and Health & Wellness Coaching.

Q: How can I arrange a specialty consultation through Military OneSource?
To schedule a consultation, call Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 and ask for an appointment with the type of specialty consultant you need. Specialty consultations give you the chance to talk to a trained professional for an hour up to twelve times a year.

Q: What assistance can I receive through a specialty consultation for wounded warriors?
Wounded Warrior specialty consultation services provide immediate assistance to wounded warriors and their families with issues related to health care, facilities, or benefits. The specialty consultants work collaboratively with the Services' wounded warrior programs and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure callers are promptly connected to resources that can help address their needs.

Q: What assistance can I receive through a specialty consultation for special needs, adult, and elder care?
A consultant with specialized training will assess your family's needs and answer your questions about education, finances, support groups, effects on other family members, and more. Whether you are concerned about the special education cycle or finding adult day care for an older loved one, Military OneSource consultants can help.

Q: What assistance can I receive through a specialty consultation on education?
A: Education consultants can help you deal with topics such as college admissions, financial aid applications, tutoring, and more. In addition, Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) provides high quality education and career services, resources, guidance, and consultations designed to meet the needs of military spouses.

Q: What assistance can I receive through a specialty consultation on adoption?
A: Adoption consultants have specialized training and experience with adoption issues and can help you resolve all of your questions and concerns regarding the adoption process.

Q: What assistance can I receive through a specialty consultation on health and wellness?
A: Military OneSource Health and Wellness Coaching is a free resource for individuals who wish to improve their health and overall well-being. A coach can help you focus on weight management, fitness and nutrition, stress management, life transitions, and more. To sign up for a health and wellness coach, a Military OneSource consultant will register you and schedule your first online or telephone session right away.


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