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Fish programs

picture of fishWe rely on varied operational approaches, including spill, turbine improvements, surface passage, bypass and fish transportation systems, to address the impacts on fish populations from hydroelectric projects (along with habitat, hatcheries and harvest--commonly referred to as the four H’s) for an effective fish restoration strategy.

The Corps has monitored pinniped predation on adult salmonids and sturgeon at Bonneville Dam since 2002. Working with NOAA, CRITFC, and the states of Oregon and Washington, the Corps also began active non-lethal hazing from the dam in 2006 while the states began boat based non-lethal hazing. In 2008, the states began a removal program for specific California sea lions and the Corps' monitoring program supports these efforts and the continuation of non-lethal hazing efforts.

Improving fish passage

Learn about how federal agencies are improving Columbia River fish passage.


Bonneville Power Administration, in partnership with the Corps of Engineers and NOAA Fisheries, produced this video to explain recent improvements we're making for fish passage.

Draft reports: open review period

No draft reports are currently available for review.