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Overseas Contingency Operations


Welcome to Savannah District’s Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) website. This site is designed to ensure employees have the appropriate information required for deployment to OCO missions.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continues to play a key role in defense operations as well as responding to natural disasters, both at home and abroad. Civilian employees have deployed in support of military operations throughout history. USACE civilians have been used in the past to support military operations, humanitarian relief, peace support operations, conflicts and war. USACE civilians will continue to be needed to support these types of operations in the future and must be prepared to provide support for these endeavors.

The Corps has an ongoing mission, one unprecedented in scope, to assist in rebuilding infrastructures in support of the Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO). Civilian employees are vital to the success of this mission. The Corps' objective is to ensure that qualified civilian employees are available in adequate numbers, with the skills to meet worldwide mission requirements during periods of national emergency, mobilization, war, military crisis, or other contingencies.

How to Apply

Option 1: Visit to search for overseas job announcements.

1. Search by Key Word (i.e. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) and/or Location (i.e. Afghanistan)
2. Click on the tab “Search” 
NOTE: You must have a current resume in the USAJOBS database before you can apply for a position. After you create your resume in the system, select the “Apply Online” button located at the bottom of the vacancy announcement to which you wish to apply. The Corps of Engineers ceased approvals of new applications for CEW positions on 16 Jul 13. 

Option 2: Request for Deployment (RFD)

1. Complete Request for Deployment Form (Section 1 and 2)
2. Attach or update your résumé
3. Return Request for Deployment Form and résumé to the Savannah District Deployment coordinator TJ Tessneer at
NOTE: Your RFD and résumé will be reviewed and sent to the Corps' South Atlantic Division for qualifications determination. If you’re qualifications are matched to a current opening, your name will be submitted to that organization and a tasker request may be coordinated and provided to you through the Savannah District EOC.

*Apply using both options for an increased chance of selection.

Tour Assignments

6 month tour – 1 R&R (limited tour length and only under special circumstances)

9 month tour – 1 R&R

12 month tour – 2 R&Rs

Standard work schedule: 10-hour days except for Fridays which are 4-hour days.

Note: Relocation Bonus’s WILL ONLY BE GIVEN for positions that have historically been difficult to fill or deemed mission critical.

Temporary Duty Status (TDY): You will continue to receive your current cost of living allowance

Temporary Change of Station Status (TCS): You will lose your cost of living allowance and may receive a separation maintenance allowance

*Please review the Medical Disqualifiers.

Reintegration Leave: 24 hrs of Admin Leave will be granted for personnel who deploy for six or more months. Admin Leave will not be granted to deployments less than six months.

Click here to view benefits and entitlements.

Key Contacts

Emergency Management Division: TJ Tessneer (912) 652-5432
Human Resources Office: Swanzeller Byrd (912) 652-5003
Security Office: Gary Duprey (912) 652-5500
Safety Office: Michael Rusden, (912) 652-5485
Nurse: Peggy Hansen (912) 652-5060
Family Readiness Network: Paula Hanna (912) 652-5716