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Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook, Union Beach

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New York District, in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) announces the availability of the Draft Limited Reevaluation Report and Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (Draft HSLRR/SEA) and General Conformity (GC) Determination which supports the draft Statement of Conformity (dSOC) for the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay for Coastal Storm Risk Management, Union Beach, New Jersey for a 30 day review period for the public to submit written comments.

With the passage of Public Law 113-2, the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, the Army Corps has been provided the authority and funding to complete ongoing coastal storm risk management projects and studies in the Northeast, including this project.

The Army Corps has evaluated and prepared a Draft HSLRR/SEA for the currently authorized, but unconstructed coastal storm risk management project that was originally designed to provide for beach erosion control and hurricane protection within the Union Beach area of the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay region.

Public comments on the Draft HSLRR/EA should be submitted to:
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Planning Division-Environmental Branch
(ATTN: Mr. Matthew Voisine)
26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York 10278-0090
Project Biologist and Project Planner

Comments received by November 4, 2016 regarding the Draft HSLRR/SEA will assist in the agency’s evaluation of the project changes and will be reflected in the project record.

All written comments, including contact information, will be made a part of the administrative record, available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Administrative Record, or portions thereof, may also be posted on a Corps of Engineers’ Internet website. Due to resource limitations, this office generally cannot acknowledge receipt of comments or respond to individual letters of comments.

USACE will also be holding a public meeting on October 20, 2016.  Details are as follows:

Memorial Elementary School
221 Morningside Avenue,
Union Beach, N.J.

Time: 6 P.M.
Format: Po
ster board session, followed by a Powerpoint presentation and question and answer session starting at 7PM.

Study Reports

The following links are to downloadable PDF's for the GRR, EIS and associated documents for the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook, Union Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management Study.

Union Beach HSLR Main Report 30 Sep16
Union Beach Draft SEA 30 Sep16
Appendix A - Engineering and Design
Appendix B - Economics
Appendix C - Costs
Appendix D - Real Estate Plan
Appendix E - NFS Letter of Support
Appendix F - Public Access Plan
EA Sub Appendix A EFH shore16
EA Sub Appendix B CZM for Shore
EA Sub Appendix C CZM for Inland
EA Sub Appendix D Pertinent Correspondence
EA Sub Appendix E Clean Air Act
EA Sub Appendix F EFH SBBA2016
EA Sub Appendix G Clean Water Act
EA Sub Appendix H BA and BO for SBBA
EA Sub Appendix I Draft PA
EA Sub Appendix J Draft FONSI
Sub App A Floodwall Design Sep 16
Sub App B-1 West Pile Capacity Sep16
Sub App B-2 East Pile Capacity Sep16
Sub App C Sea Level Rise Sep16
Sub App D SBEACH Sep16
Sub App E Overtopping and Failure Analysis Sep16
Sub App F Interior Flooding Sep16