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The Navigation section supports navigation by maintaining channels and other structural features for safe navigation in the Puget Sound region and on the Washington coast.  Maintaining channels requires keeping them at serviceable and reliable depths and widths by dredging and other means.  Maintaining also means removing navigation hazards and underwater obstructions.

"The role of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with respect to navigation is to provide safe, reliable, and efficient waterborne transportation systems (channels, harbors, and waterways) for movement of commerce, national security needs, and recreation." (USACE Engineering Regulation 1105-2-100)

Current Dredging Projects



Project Description Dredge Dates (or anticipated dates) Dredge Type Quantity (Cubic Yards)
Duwamish River, turning basin downstream to Slip 6 11/15/15-12/31/15 Mechanical 105,000
Quillayute, boat basin and channel 10/01/15-02/28/16 Hydraulic


Snohomish River, downstream settling basin 10/15/15-12/31/15 Mechanical 200,000