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Flood Risk Management Program


People who live and work in the flood plain need to know about the flood hazard and the actions they can take to reduce property damage and prevent the loss of life caused by flooding. The FPMS Program was developed by the Corps of Engineers specifically to address this need. The program’s authority stems from Section 206 of the 1960 Flood Control Act (PL 86-645), as amended. Its objective is to foster public understanding of the options for dealing with flood hazards and promote prudent use and management of the Nation’s flood plains.

Quick Response

The Huntington District provides a toll free number (1-866-401-3980) and an email address (fpms-lrh@usace.army.mil) in support of the “Quick Response” effort. This consists of information related to flood plain issues and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

Some requests require a minimal fee based on time and work level. “Quick Response” includes providing general information from on-hand data and publications, brief explanations and/or advice on flood plain management (FPM) measures, and NFIP standards.

Types of requests include:

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Zone Determinations - Flood zone determination letters are provided based on the most current FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM). Also, Q and A support for the NFIP program in addition to aditional contact information and local contacts.

Base Flood Elevation (BFE) requests - There are three major types of BFE’s – published in a Flood Insurance Study (FIS), unpublished from a Corps of Engineers study, or calculated using FEMA approved methods. DFIRMs have two major zone types associated with the 1% annual chance flood – zones with a BFE and zones without a BFE. For areas that have been incorrectly mapped on the DFIRM FEMA has established an administrative procedure to change the designation of these properties. The process is referred to as a Letter of Map Amendment and requires a BFE to be submitted along with a survey of the property.

Flood Plain Impacts (large engineer projects) - Major construction projects need to meet all federal guidelines for complying with the Clean Water Act (Section 401 and 404) and Navigable Waterways (Section 10). In addition, Executive Order 11988, says that all Federal agencies shall provide leadership and shall take action to reduce the risk of flood loss. The Corps provides written documentation for commercial development plans and their impacts on Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) as published by FEMA and accepted by the local government.

Federal Property Rental Letters - Numerous government agencies rent buildings and private properties from local individuals. These agencies require documentation of how the property is affected by the SFHA as published by FEMA and accepted by the local government.

FEMA Grant Impact Determinations - FEMA and other government agencies provide mitigation to assist with Pre-Disaster Mitigation, Flood Mitigation Assistance, Repetitive Flood Claims, and Severe Repetitive Loss associated with natural hazards. FEMA requires that subapplicants, usually local government agencies, coordinate with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regarding potential future use of mitigated properties and how they affect current Corps projects and future flood risk reduction plans.

Copies of maps and publications related to the floodplain - Flood plain management is a constant process that places an emphasis on technical information in the form of reports, charts, and maps. FEMA’s philosophy associated with flood plain management is to use the best available data when making flood plain management decisions. In addition, all federal agencies are required to provide leadership and take action to reduce the risk of flood loss including providing existing maps and publications.

Miscellaneous Floodplain Information Requests - USACE is the Nations Engineers and provides technical assistance to all federal agencies, state partners, and local communities in a team effort to reduce flood risk.


Much of the information is provided at no cost, but in some cases where additional work is required taking a day or less, a predetermined fee schedule is used to invoice the customer. If this is required you will be notified before being invoiced. An example of these charges is listed below:



Description of Work



Basic information from readily available data that does not require technical evaluation or documentation and is transmitted by form letter.



Information from readily available data that requires minimal technical evaluation which is transmitted by form letter.



Information that requires some file search, brief technical evaluation, and documentation of results by a form letter or by a brief composed letter.



Information and assistance that requires moderate file search, brief technical evaluation, and documentation of results in a composed letter.



Information and assistance that require significant file search or retrieval of archived data, moderate technical evaluation, and documentation of results in a brief letter report.


Letter Requests

For work that may take longer than a day a "Letter Request" can be negotiated for recovering the cost of responses taking more than a day and generally up to one week. This will involve providing a description of work and a time and cost estimate to the customer who, in turn, will be required to send in a letter requesting the work and providing payment in full before the work is started.

Signed Agreements

For work that may take longer than a week "Signed Agreements” can be negotiated for recovering the cost of responses taking more than a week, but can also be used for work taking more than a day. The agreements will be in the form of a "Letter of Agreement" with a private person and either an "Interagency Agreement" or "Memorandum of Agreement" with a Federal agency. They will involve negotiating the time and cost estimate and developing a statement describing the work to be done, setting a completion date, and stipulating how payment will be made (either in advance or by reimbursement).

Contact Information

 The FPMS program maintains a staff of Certified Floodplain Managers in the Floodplain Management / Special Studies Section of Planning Branch under Project Management. Please call: 1-866-401-3980 or email: fpms-lrh@usace.army.mil for more information.